Double Date :DDD

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"Good job, Hani! " I high fived Hani. She smirked, "You can always count on me. "

"Yeah yeah. " I swatted my hands.
"Wait. " she grabbed my hand, "You need to repay me. "

"Ugh! I knew you're gonna say this! " I grunted.
"Pretty please~? " Hani whined.
"Fine. Dessert after school. "

"Yes! " she cheered, hugging me, "You're the best! "
"I know. " I beamed proudly.

"Where are you two going after school? " Jimin asked, wriggling his eyebrows.

"Maybe the cafe near our school. " I answered, shrugging.
"Can I follow? " Jimin pouted.
"N— "

"Of course! We can have a double date! " Hani clapped her hands.
"Double date? " I questioned.

"Um... " she played with her fingers shyly, lowering her gaze, "C-Can I invite Taehyung? "


"Look at those two lovebirds. " I nudged Jimin, pointing at Taehyung and Hani.

"Eii ~ They look just like us when we first date. " Jimin commented.

Taehyung fed Hani with his spoon, making Hani blushed in crimson red.

"Gross. " I cringed in disgust.
"Come on, jagi ~ Let's do the same thing! " Jimin teased, taking his spoon with a small piece of cake on it, shoving to my lips.

I pushed his forehead, "Stop it. You disgusted me. "

"Aww, why are you so mean? " he pouted.

"Yah, isn't that Jungkook? " Taehyung cocked his head to the side, pointing at a seat behind us. Me and Jimin turned our heads to his direction.

Jungkook is sitting with a girl, grinning like a fool. We saw the girl left some fresh cream on the edge of her lips. The next second was, Jungkook leaned in and kissed her.

Hello. We're in the public. FYI.

"Hey, let's go greet him! " Jimin beamed, standing up from his chair and walked towards Jungkook before I could pull him back. Aishh, that busybody.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook! " Jimin slung an arm over Jungkook's shoulder, "Not bad huh? You got a girl yourself. Hello there, pretty lady. Are you dating Jungkook? "

The girl blushed madly, hanging her head low. I got up and yanked Jimin off from Jungkook, slightly bowing my head.

"I'm sorry, he's disturbing your date. "

Tugging Jimin's arm, I pulled him back to our seat.
"Yah Jungkook ah! Congratulations! "

"Aish, Park Jimin! " I grunted, shoving a spoonful of cake into his mouth, "Shut the hell up would you? "

"Alright! " he answered.

"Hey, you left some foam on your lips. " Taehyung took his thumb and wiped it off from Hani's lips, then licked it off. Hani frozed, staring at Taehyung with her mouth slightly apart.

"I think I just got diabetes. " I teased.
"Sweetness overload!! " Jimin yelled.


"Let me walk you home. " Jimin said, lacing his fingers with mine.
"No, you don't have to! " I protested.

"As if I will let you go home yourself. It's too dangerous for a pretty girl like you walking home alone this late. You might drew unwanted attentions from some perverts. "

"And one of the perverts are now beside me, I see. " I laughed.

"Yah, I'm not a pervert! " Jimin whined.
"Sure. Whatever you say. "

The stars are starting to appear on the beautiful orange sky as we arrived at my home.

"Thanks for the walk. Bye. " I said, hugging Jimin. Jimin hugged me back, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Um, can you let me go now? " I asked, slightly annoyed.

Jimin pulled back a little, arms still on my waist.

"Give me a kiss then I'll let you go. " he said.

"No. "
"Yes. "
"No. "
"Yes. "

"Jimin, what if someone saw us, you freak. We're in the public. As you know I hate PDA. "

"No one's around here. Come on ~ " he whined, pouting.

"Fine. "

Jimin grinned ear to ear before leaning down and kisses me.

"Do you know you're so addictive? Your lips, are tempting me the whole day. It's like drugs. Once I tasted them, I craved for more. "

"Stop those cheesy lines. " I giggled, "Bye. See you tomorrow. "

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