My new admirer?

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This exchange student from America - Mark. Okay, I'm sorry it's a little harsh to say this but, he follows me around every day and I'm really getting annoyed.

But I can't just shout at him, asking him to stop bothering me! Plus... He's actually kinda sweet. I don't like him, I'm just attracted to his personality.

He's straightforward, open-minded and easygoing.

"Morning (Y/N)! " Mark took my hand and kissed it. Wow, such a gentleman. Nam Joon cleared his throat, pulling my hand away.

"Maybe you don't know this but, we don't do this in Korea. "
"Who are you? " Mark asked.
"I'm (Y/N)'s boyf- "

"This is Nam Joon, Nam Joon Kim! He's my best friend ㅋㅋㅋ! " I laughed awkwardly.
"Hello, Nam Joon. Nice to meet you. "

"Haha, no. " Nam Joon walked off.
"Why is he like that? " Mark scratched his head.
I shrugged, "I don't know. Hey, we're late for class. Let's go. "

"Mmkay, see you later. "


Our class are probably like the zoo. The guys are running around, flirting and talking loudly, totally like monkeys.

"Excuse me, can I find (Y/N)-ssi? " a student from other class came, knocking on the door.
I stared at him with confused look, walking towards him.

"Yes? "
"Uh... " the guy passed you a bouquet of roses, "These are for you. Someone asked me to give it to you. "

"Dugu? (Who)"
He shrugged.

"Oooohh ~ " the class roared.
"Shut up. " I rolled my eyes.

Holding the roses in my hand, I returned to my seat. Nam Joon poked the roses, "Old-fashioned. " he whispered.

"Nam Joon, you're just jealous. " I hissed, smacking his hand.
"Wow, you got a secret admire ~ " Hani teased.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. "

Recess time...

"Hey, (Y/N)! " Mark came up, grinning at me.
"What's up? "
"Do you love them? " he asked.

"What- Oh, you mean the flowers? You're the one who give it to me? " I giggled, "Yeah, I love them. "

"Hehe, glad you love it. "
"But you could've give me this morning. " I said.

"Nah, that's not so romantic. " he commented. Mark took my hand, I stared into his hazel eyes, "I like you. I like you so much. I know I've only been here 1 month, but the moment I saw you... I fell in love with you. "

School Life With BTS [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now