Nam Joon's Ending Part 3

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"So... The kiss. " I mumbled, swaying Nam Joon's arm back and forth, "Is it for the girl you liked in the past, of it's for me? "

Nam Joon chuckled, "I regret telling you about my first love. "

"You like me because I'm similar to her. " I whined, stomping my feet.

"One of the reason to be honest. " Nam Joon sighed, "But don't worry. I love you. "

"But I'm still jealous! " I whined again.

"Aish, this girl. " Nam Joon laughed, "Okay, from now on, let's forget about my first love. Let's start a new life. "

"Arrasso. I won't mention her again. " I muttered, "Nam Joon-ah. "

"Yes? " we stopped our track.

"Where are we going exactly? " I asked, blinking a couple of times.

"Uh... " Nam Joon scanned around, shrugging, "Molla. "

"A-Are we lost? " I gulped.

"I think so? "

"What the hell?! "

We're on a street, which is completely unfamiliar to me. It's dark, and no one seems to be on the street, so we can't ask for directions.

"It's all your fault. " I whined, punching his chest playfully.

"Oh, come on. " Nam Joon grabbed my hand and pulls me closer to him for a kiss.

"My house is not far away from here. Why don't you stay at my house for a night, then we can call for a taxi tomorrow, to bring you home? "

"I don't know... I need to call my mum first. " I said, taking out my phone from my purse.

"Don't worry, I already told your mum. She said it's okay to stay in my house, as long as we don't do anything inappropriate. "

"What? You planned this all along! " I hit his arm.

"Kaja! " Nam Joon patted his back, "I'll give you a piggyback to my house, princess. "

"Don't regret. " I smirked, jumping on him.


"Okay I'm really regret. " he said, panting after we arrived at his house, "Damn girl, you're really heavy! "

"Told you not to regret. " I said, "Come on, open the door! These heels are killing me. "

"Give me a kiss first. " Nam Joon puckered his lips. I stood on my feet, placing a peck on his lips.

"Happy? Now open the damn door. "

"Sure. "

"Where are your parents? " I asked, scanning his house.

"Business trip. Again. "

"Aww, you poor thing ~ " I whined, hugging him from behind.

"I'm not lonely. I have you. That's enough. " he said.

"You and your cheesiness. " I rolled my eyes, "Yah, how about my clothes?! I can't wear this for the whole night! " I tugged the hem of my dress.

"Wear my shirt then. " he simply said, "You can use my bathroom, I'll use my parent's bathroom. "

"Okay then. "


"Wow, you sure take so long for a bath. " Nam Joon mocked.

"You can't blame me! I'm a girl. " I said from the bathroom, changing into Nam Joon's oversized shirt. Actually it isn't oversized, it fits Nam Joon perfectly, but it's too big for me. Fortunately I wore shorts in my prom dress. But Nam Joon's shirt is too long for me, it makes me look like I'm wearing nothing down there but just a panty.

"Woah, you look sexy in my shirt. " Nam Joon smirked, "Are you wearing your underwear? "

"God, you pervert! Of course! "

"I'm just kidding. " he laughed, pinning me to the bed, hovering over me.

"We're 19 now. We can do anything we want, isn't it? " Nam Joon gave me a devilish grin.

"N-Nam Joon, you better get up before I kick you in your crotch. "

Nam Joon laughed again, collapsing beside me and hugs me tightly.
"Can't I joke around? I won't do anything inappropriate to you. I promised eomma. "

"Mwoh?! Eomma?! "

"What? I'm her soon-to-be son-in-law. " Nam Joon said.

"Who said you're- "

"Stop talking now before I tickle you. "

"Oh, you wouldn't dare. " I challenged.

"Really? " Nam Joon sat up, tickling my sides.

"Hahah! D-Damn you! St- Hah! Stop! " I shouted.

"Kiss me then I'll stop. " Nam Joon murmured.

I didn't hesitate to kiss him. He parted my lips with his tongue, exploring every inches of my mouth. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck while his arms are around my waist.

"I love you, (Y/N). " Nam Joon said after kissing me.

"I love you too. "

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