Taehyung's Surprise? .____.

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After our class teacher announced our exams are coming soon, I forgot all about their confession. My mind were filled with worries. I wanted to pass my exams with flying colours! Especially mathematics.

"So... Do you want to study for the exam together? " Suga asked me. I shrugged, "How about you? "

"If you wanted to, let's go my house and do revisions together. " he said.
"Sure, I'll go to your house tomorrow. Maybe at 10 A.M. "
"Good call. "

School's over. I went out from my class, walking towards my locker while trying to remember the Algebra formula.

I didn't saw Taehyung standing in front of me, that's why I bumped into him and fell backwards. You thought the scene where the main character falls down and the guy caught her and twirls her around and hug her would happen to me? Too bad! Cruel world right?

Taehyung just stood there like a dumb robot with a blank expression.

"Yah! Why didn't you help me?! " I yelled, causing some other students to stare at me.
"It's not my fault you fell down. " Taehyung answered bluntly.

"Aish, this guy. " I rubbed my sore bum, "Why did you stand there and blocked my way?! "

"Oh, did I? " Taehyung made this expression ---> .__.

"Yes you pabo! "
"I have a surprise for you (Y/N). " Taehyung said, using his low voice.

"W-What is it? "
Seriously, his serious tone freaked me out.

The hallway were empty, just the two of us. He pushed me against the locker. (Just imagine in the MV Boy In Luv, Jin slammed the girl on the locker and TRY TO IMAGINE it's Taehyung and you're the girl.)

Taehyung trapped me with both of his hands beside my head, pressing the locker behind me. I gulped nervously, avoiding his gaze.

"Close your eyes. " he demanded. I don't know why but I felt stupid, because I followed his order.
"Damn you (Y/N)! Why must you listen to him?! "

I could feel his hot breath against my lips. Gosh! Is he gonna kiss me?! No please, no! I don't want a 4D Alien take away my FIRST KISS!

"Don't ever try to open you eyes because you'll regret it. " Taehyung said. That makes me even nervous.

I closed my eyes about 3 minutes, my mind trying to analyzing what could this boy would do to me, what should I do if he hurts me or do anything.

Suddenly, I felt something moving on my head. It's like a tiny, creature... WAIT, WHAT?!

Is it a bug?!

I cringed, that little disgusting i-don't-know-what creature are still moving in my hair. Goose bump are all over my body, it sends shiver down my spine.

I instantly swept off that little creature of my head, shaking in disgust. Gosh, I hate bugs!

It's a ladybug!!! Eww!

"Why did you hurt my baby?! " Taehyung yelled, kneeling down and scooped up his "baby".
I cringed again, "Take that far away from me, you piece of shit! " I yelled back.

"Don't worry, ladybug. I will protect you from this ahjumma! "
"Mwoh?! " I shouted in disbelief, "A-Ahjumma?! " I scoffed.

"Did you put that ugly thing in my hair?! "
"No! Wait... Yes. I just wanted to show you my baby! " Taehyung whined.

"Jesus, save me from this weird alien! "
"Baby, I'll take you home now and give you a bath. Let's go ~ " Taehyung cooed, taking the ladybug in his hand and ran off.

"Yah! Kim Tae Hyung!!!!! "
My voice echoed down the hallway.


I was walking home alone, still disgusted by the ladybug earlier.

"Kim Tae Hyung you piece of shit. I'm ahjumma?! I'm 18 years old! Aish, I need to wash my hair for a 100 times! " I mumbled.

"Is that eonnie crazy? " a little girl asked her friend beside her, pointing at me, "Why is she talking to herself? "

"This kid!! "

I went up to them. They looked at me nervously.

"First of all, I'm not crazy all right?! " I snapped, "You don't even understand why did I mumbling to myself! I have a rea- Yah, u-uljima! "

That little girl started crying!

"Shit! Worst day of my life ahhhhh!!!!!! I made a girl cry now?! What should I do?! "

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