Confused Feelings

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"When should I confess to her? "

I bit my nails, stealing glances at her. She's really pretty, awesome, easygoing... She's perfect! No one can replace her in my heart! I fell for her.

The recess bell rang. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the cafeteria like usual.

"Seriously, Jimin? I already know where's the cafeteria so you don't have to drag me here every time. " she said.

"But I want to spend my time with you. "

She glared at me, "Stop flirting around, damn it. "
"I only flirt with you, because I want you to be mine. I like you. "

(Y/N) laughed, "Funniest joke I ever heard. "
"Yah, I told you I'm serious. " I said.

"I like you too, Park Jimin-ssi. " she said jokingly. I sighed, pulling her to the rooftop.

"Y-Yah! Where are you bringing me?! "
I ignored her question, still running up to the rooftop.


"Why did you bring me to the rooftop? " she asked, annoyed.
"I really want you to be mine, (Y/N). I like you. "
"Jimin, you know I - "
"I know you treat me just as a friend, I know! But please, give me a chance! " I begged, holding her hands.

"I-I don't know... "


"I'm confused with my own feelings. I like Nam Joon right? Or Suga? Or Jimin? " I was in dilemma.

I skipped lunch today. How I wanted to go home right now just to avoid seeing Jimin and Nam Joon. They confessed to me, and I don't want to hurt their heart. What should I do?

"(Y/N)? "
I looked up and saw Jin standing in front of me.
"Oh, hey Jin. "

"What's all with that sour face? "
Jin then pulled me into a hug, "You know, I can always stay by your side, encouraging you, helping you... Just tell me what happened. "

"Thank you Jin. "
I told Jim about my confused feelings. Jin just standing there, nodding and listening to me.

"Okay, that's better now. " I said with a laugh, "Thanks a lot, Jin. "
"You're welcome. " he said, patting my back, "Let's head back to class. "

Jin is like a brother to me. Whenever I have problems, he'll help me solve them.

"Thanks a lot, Jin. "

Sorry dear readers! Lame and short chapter.

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