Jung Kook on the rescue!

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"Yah, jebal! Eonnie will buy you an icecream okay?! " I pleaded, clasping my hand together.

"What's wrong? " a voice came behind me. At first I thought it's the kid's father, and I thought I'm doomed. But no. I'm lucky that it's Jung Kook.

"Kookie!!! " I whined, "Help me deal with this kid! "
"Noona, did you make her cry? " Jung Kook asked.

"Duh! Stop asking and help me please! I'm bad with children! "
"Okay okay... "
Jung Kook went over to that crying girl and patted her head, "Why are you crying, are you okay? "

"That... That eonnie scolded me. " she sobbed. I facepalmed myself. Oh God, what is she tells her mother a weird eonnie bullied her at the playground?!

"That eonnie is in a bad mood, she didn't mean to yell at you, ne? Let me buy you an icecream. " Jung Kook said, fishing out some cash from his pocket.

The little girl's friend stared at Jung Kook with puppy eyes, probably wanted an icecream too.
"Arrasso, I'll treat you too. " he ruffled her hair.

"Gomawo, oppa! " she squealed, hugging Jung Kook's leg. Jung Kook smiled.

We went to the icecream van that stopped by at the park.
"Which flavour do you want? " he asked the two girls.
"I want vanilla! " the no longer crying girl said, while the other one said, "Chocolate for me! "

"As usual huh? " Jung Kook asked.
"What does he meant by 'as usual' ? " I asked myself.

"Noona, what flavour do you want? "
"M-Me? " I questioned, "Uh... Vanilla. "

"Three vanilla and one chocolate please. " Jung Kook ordered, giving the money to the guy in the van took the icecream from him.

"Kamsahamnida, ahjussi. "
Jung Koom passed us the icecreams and held one in his hand.

"Kamsahamnida! Oppa! " the little girl squealed, running to her house not far away.
"Aren't you going home too? " I asked the girl standing beside Jung Kook.

"I'm waiting oppa to bring me home. " she answered.
"Where's your oppa? "
"Here. " she said, tugging Jung Kook's arm. My jaw dropped, no wonder her face looks alike with Jung Kook!

"I didn't know you had a sister! " I said, "Oh, let me treat you dinner, for helping me dealing with the little girl. Let's go to my house! "

"Can I? " Jung Kook asked shyly.
"Of course! "


"Eomma, I brought a friend home! " I yelled from the living room.
My mother walked to the living room with her aprons on, maybe she's still busy cooking dinner.

"Omo, such a handsome guy! " she complimented.
"Mum, do you have to say that word every time a guy comes to our house? " I secretly rolled my eyes.

"Seol Hyunnie!!!! " my sister squealed, running towards that little girl. Wait. Is she Seol Hyun?!

"Avril! " Seol Hyun hugged my sister. I gasped, "S-So she's Seol Hyun?! "
"What a small world. " Jung Kook joked, "Our sisters are friends. "

"I'm almost done cooking! (Y/N) ah! Help me take out the dishes! " my mother said, running to the kitchen to continue cooking.

"Wow, your mother sure is lively. Just like you. " he teased.

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