Hot Summer, Hot Love

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"Yeoboseyo? "
"Jagi!!!!! " Jimin shouted through the phone.

"I think I'm deaf. "
"Mianhae ~ I miss you too much! "
"Then stop shouting! "

Okay, actually I'm going crazy because Jimin just said he missed me. Gosh, he's so sweet! But no, I won't show my cute side to him. Never.

"Okay fine. Jagi, do you want to hang out at my house? Netflix and chill, if you know what I mean. ㅋㅋㅋ~ "
"Yah byuntae! No I don't want to hang out with you. "
"Aww come on ~ I'm just kidding. " Jimin whined.

"Fine fine, pick me up at 12 later. " I said.
"Yes!! I'll hang up now, bye ~ "

I chuckled at Jimin's child-like personality. I checked the time, it's 11:41, I should get ready now. I took a quick shower before changing into a crop shirt with white shorts.

I tied my hair into a messy bun and went downstairs, waiting at my doorstep for Jimin.

And there he is, waving at me in his car. I quickly hopped on.
"Anneyong. "

"Anneyong~ Jagiya! " Jimin cooed, "No kiss for me? "
Jimin is leaning closer to me, puckering his lips. I rolled my eyes, pushing him away.

"Just drive or else I'll go out from this car. "
"Fine. "


"Woah, your house is huge! " I exclaimed in awe, "Thank God there's an aircond. I think I'm gonna melt because of this hot summer. "

"Jagi, do you want ice cream? " Jimin asked.
"Yeah sure. "
"Be right back ~ " he planted a kiss on my cheek and went to the kitchen, leaving me alone, giggling and touching the part where he kissed.

"Ah, I still can't get use to this. "

"I'm back! " Jimim placed a tub of ice cream on the coffee table and took out some disc, "Which one do you want to watch? "

I'm already stuffing the ice cream into my mouth, so I just pointed the 22 Jumpstreet.

"Tsk, such a pig. "
"Yah! " I shouted at Jimin, "What did you call me?! "

"I said you're such a pig. " he stuck his tongue out. I pouted, taking a pillow and hit it in his face.

"W-What did you do? Did you just hit me? "
"Probably. " I smirked.

"Revenge! " he charged at me, hovering over me on the couch and smirked, "You're gonna enjoy this. " Jimin licked his lips seductively.

"Oh no no no... I'm not ready for this yet! "

Jimin's hand traveled down my waist, still smirking. "Prepare... For this! " he tickled my both side, making me laugh and struggle at the same time.

"S-STOP!! *laugh* Park Jimin!!! "

After 10 seconds of tickling, he finally stopped. I panted, glaring at him.

"Get off of me. " I said, trying to push him away, "Gosh, you're heavy! "

"I don't want to. " Jimin answered, leaning in and kissed me on my lips.

"Maybe we should forget about the movie. " I thought, smiling into the kiss.


It's Summer. Even though there's an aircond in Jimin's living room, both of us were sweaty now because of the hot make-out session. But none of us wanted to stop.

"I'm home! "

"Gah! " Jimin gasped, pulling away from you.
"Uh... Did I interrupted something? " a girl asked, probably older than Jimin.

"Noona, you can't just barge in! " Jimin whined.
"Oh, it's his sister. "

"This is the living room, not your room. " his sister said, "Eomma!!! " she shouted.

"What's wrong? " Jimin's mother came in, staring at me and flashed out a grin.
"Aigoo~ Uri Jimin had grown up! " his mother exclaimed, "Yeoja chingu? "

"Eomma! "
"They're making out. " his sister said.
"Yah noona! " Jimin whined again.

"When can I get grandchildren? " his mother asked.
"Oh gosh, this is so embarrassing! " Jimin grunted, grabbing my hand and pulled me to his room.

"Sorry about that. " Jimin said, pouting. "I didn't know they'll come home today. They're supposed to be on vacation. "

"It's okay. " I said, hugging him.

"Remember to use protection! " his sister teased, making the two of us blush.

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