Broken Hearted

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One month later...

Jimin and I haven't talk for one freaking month. Every time when our eyes met, he'll give me an apologetic look. But it's all over. I can't learn to love again.

Because of this, Nam Joon and I are getting closer day by day. We hang out every time. The other students would always teases us, saying we look good together as a couple.

Nam Joon knows I'm brokenhearted. He never mentioned about Jimin in front of me. Nam Joon is truly a good friend which you can trust. I'm glad he accepts the fact that I only see him as a friend. But Nam Joon said he'll never give up on me. He's waiting for me to move on.

Taehyung and Hani are officially dating. Both of them are the Alien Couple. Throwing pranks, weird actions... They are the most popular couple in school, for their similar personality and behavior.

"Yah, stop shoving the mashed potato into my mouth! " Hani complaint, hitting Taehyung's shoulder. He laughed, "I love seeing your mouth stuffed, makes you look like a squirrel! "

"I wonder if squirrels taste good? " Hani tapped her chin, "Maybe I should hunt one and barbeque it, add some barbeque sauce. "

"Good idea! " Taehyung gave Hani his rectangular grin.

I shook my head, chuckling softly.
"Guys, I'm outta here. " I said, standing up, "See you two at class later. "

Heading to my locker, I saw Jimin and Seo Eun, lacing fingers and kissing each other. Seo Eun, noticed me and smirks.

I walked pass them, ignoring their presence. But deep down inside me, I felt like a hammer just smashed my heart repeatedly, making my heart shattered into pieces.

Rushing to the washroom, I locked the door and cried. The hot tears kept flowing out, no matter how hard I tried to hold back. Laughing sarcastically, I whispered to myself.

"Jimin is not my boyfriend anymore. Why should I feel jealous? "

Standing up, I wiped my tears.

"Stay strong (Y/N). "


"Oh hey, where the hell did you go? We thought you were suck into the black hole. " Hani said.
"Yeah, we thought you're captured by aliens. " Taehyung commented.

"Guys, please. There are no aliens in this world. " Nam Joon snapped.
"Yes, they do exist! " Taehyung whined.
"I agree! Aliens are going to take over Earth one day. " Hani said.

"Oh gosh. " Nam Joon grunted frustratingly, "Can you please tell them alien don't exist? "

I laughed, "But Nam Joon... I do think they exist. "
Nam Joon slapped his forehead, "You too?! "

"Of course they exist! " I beamed, "Look! There are two aliens right in front us. "

He laughed, "You're right. Aliens do exist, and they're our friends. "

"But- Hobi scaredeu! Hobi don't want aliens! " Hoseok whined, hugging Jin. Jin shoved him away and sat down, "You guys are talking about aliens? "

"Duh. " I answered.
"Aliens?! Where?! " Suga yelled.

"Beside you. " Nam Joon pointed at those two lovebirds. Or should I say... 'Lovealiens'? Okay, it makes no sense.


"I wonder do aliens sleep? " Suga raised an eyebrow, "I hope I can meet them one day. "

Hoseok pointed at Taehyung and Hani, "Why bother? Ask them. Maybe they would bring you to their spaceship and go to their planet. "


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