Nam Joon's Ending Part 2

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"Welcome everyone! Enjoy your senior prom night tonight! We'll announce our 2015's Prom Queen and King at 12 sharp, which is midnight. You can vote anyone you wanted, it's right beside the punches table. " the DJ announced.

"Aish, where is that pabo?! He was supposed to meet me 20 minutes ago at here! "

I groaned impatiently, tapping my heels on the shiny, black floor. The students around me are staring at me with a what-is-this-girl-doing-alone-here look. Ah, I'm gonna kick his ass when he comes!

"Hello there, (Y/N). "

I spun around and see a tall, decent-looking guy. Probably from other class because I never seen him before.

"Who are you? And how did you know my name? "

"Oh, forgive my rudeness. I'm Minhyuk from 5-S, I know your name because you're quite popular in school. "

"Oh.. I see. " I answered.

"Excuse me but, can I have a dance with you? " he asked, offering his hand for me to hold.

"Uh, I'm waiting for my prom date. " I said.

"Aww, come on. Don't be a party pooper. I've been watching you over there for 20 minutes ago, you're standimg precisely in the middle of the dance floor, alone. "

Minhyuk forcefully grabbed my hand, tugging me.
"Let's go have some fun. "

"Yah, let me go! " I snapped, struggling from his grip.

"The lady. " someone yanked me from Minhyuk, "Said let her go. "

My eyes bulge, "N-Nam Joon. "

"Oh, one of the kingka in our school, I see. " Minhyuk scoffed, "What are you gonna do about it if I don't let her go? "

"Don't try to provoke me, brat. You wouldn't want your tuxedo to rip into pieces, do you? " Nam Joon smirked, pulling me away from Minhyuk.

Minhyuk stomped off, leaving me with Nam Joon.

"Yah, I told you not to talk to strangers. " he said.

"You dumbass. " I stomped on his foot, causing him to groan in pain, "I wouldn't if you're at here. Why are you late?! "

"I... Ah, let's go get some punches! " he exclaimed, pulling me out from the crowds.

"Y-Yah! Wait! "

"Why are you so slow? " Nam Joon rolled his eyes.

"Shut up. I'm wearing heels, pabo. "

"That's why I like girls wearing sneakers instead of heels. It's more comfortable. " Nam Joon stated, handing me a glass of sparkling fruit punch.

"No one wears sneakers to prom, Kim Nam Joon. "

"Oh right, you look amazing today. " he said, eyeing me from head to toes, "Black prom dress with a pair of gleaming, black heels. Daebak. "

"Oh please, I look amazing everyday. " I flipped my hair dramatically, making Nam Joon laughed.

"This is my jam! Let's dance! " Nam Joon exclaimed, pulling me to the dance floor. He swayed his hips, following the rhythm of the music. Oh gosh, he's such a bad dancer!

"Nam Joon, stop it. They're staring at us! " I whispered in embarrassment, "Stop dancing! "

"I can't hear you ~~ " he continued his weird moves, and suddenly pulls me towards him, "Come on, let's dance with me! "

"Wait wait, gosh no! " I protested, but too late. Nam Joon already caught my hand.

After a few minutes of dancing, I actually felt fun. I started laughing, dancing together with Nam Joon. I had such a good time.

"Hey, I'm exhausted. Let's find a seat. " I said, pulling him out.

"Alright. "

The prom night was held in a huge hall. It has staircase that leads to the second floor, which is the place for students to rest. We spotted Hani and Taehyung together at a booth, still making out. Gosh, can't they keep a low profile?!

"Hey guys. " I sat beside Hani. She snapped her head towards me.

"What are you doing here? " she groaned, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Sorry to bother you guys but, there are no more other empty booth. So me and Nam Joon are forced to sit here. " I stated.

"Whatever. " she answered, "Taehyungie ~ Can you get me some more fruit punch? " Hani battered her eyelashes.

"Anything for you, my baby alien. " Taehyung pinched Hani's cheek, walking off.

"You guys are so gross. " I cringed in disgust.

"(Y/N), I need to go to the washroom. Be right back. " Nam Joon said, eye contacting with Hani.

Hani nodded. After Nam Joon disappeared from my sight, I turned to ask Hani.

"Did I just see him giving you eye contact? " I asked.

"Why? Are you jelly ~? " she teased.

"O-of course not! Why would I?! " I laughed nervously.

"Because you fell in love with Nam Joon? " Hani said.

"No I - "

"Oh, it's time! Let's go! " Hani grabbed my hand and tugs me to the dance floor, near to the stage where the DJ is.

"Yah! Why are you pulling me to here?! " I snapped.

Hani gestured me to look to the stage. Taehyung is standing on the stage with a microphone in his hand.

"Hello guys! " he waved his hand.

"Hi!!! " the crowd said in unison.

"My friend here, Nam Joon, he had a special request. He wants to perform a rap to his special someone tonight. Please cheer for Kim Nam Joon! " Taehyung shouted.

"Nam Joon?! " I gasped when he appeared on the stage.

"Good luck, bro. " Taehyung said before handing him the microphone.

"Good evening everyone. As you all know, my name is Kim Nam Joon. I had an unrequited love for a beautiful girl, right in front of me. " he winked at me.

Some of the girls gave me an evny looks while some shot me dirty looks. I don't mind them anymore. I was too shock to see Nam Joon on the stage.

"I dedicate this rap to her, (Y/N). "

The crowd gave Nam Joon wolf whistles and cat calls, clapping their hands.

"Listen carefully, (Y/N). "

Imma skip the rap xD

"Go go! " Hani nudged me, pushing me to the stage when Nam Joon called out my name.

I nervously went up to the stage, standing beside Nam Joon, facing him.

"(Y/N)-ah. Ever since you came into my life, I fell for you heads over heels. You're different from the others. You really attracted me. The way you talk, the way you smile... Makes me wanted to be the one who can give you happiness. I love you. "

Taehyung passed Nam Joon a bouquet of roses down the stage. Nam Joon then kneeled down with one of his knees, "Be my girlfriend. I promise I'll make you the luckiest girl in the world. "

The crowds went awe. My mind went blank, body frozen. Not that I don't like Nam Joon. I was too nervous and happy at the same time. I'm touched with his words and actions.

"I.... "

"Accept him! "

The crowd chants. A smile appeared on my face when I nodded, taking the bouquet in my hand.

"I love you too, Kim Nam Joon. "

Nam Joon was overjoyed, lifting me up from the stage and cheered.

"Thank you so much. " he leaned in and kisses my trembling lips.

"Let's get out of here. " Nam Joon whispered, pulling me down from the stage and head to outside.

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