Beach Trip: Day 1, Part 1

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"So, we're going to stay 2 Days 1 Night. " Jin said, handing us the spare keys to our chalet. We booked 2 chalet.

I'm going to stay with Taehyung, Jimin and Nam Joon while Jungkook and the other three stays together.

We had to sleep on bunk beds, so when Nam Joon opened the door, I rushed into the chalet and climbed up the stairs, occupying the upper one.

"Aww not fair! " Jimin stomped his feet because he's the last one who went into our chalet, and he's sleeping beneath Taehyung, which is his worst nightmare.

"I pity you. " I said.
"Serve you right for checking out those ladies in bikinis. " Nam Joon mocked.
"Hey! I can't help myself, alright?! They're too attractive! " Jimin said.

"Ahsvdksagajxbsgdjanshs. "
"What are you trying to say? " I asked Taehyung.
"Don't mind him, when he's excited he'll be like that, talking to himself in alien language. " Nam Joon said.

"Ah... "
"Let's change our clothes and head to the beach!!! " Taehyung cheered.
"Now he's back to normal. " Jimin said.


I wore a mint green bikini, but covering my body with a robe first. Gosh, I'm shy! I should've chose wearing swimsuit!

"Why are you still wearing the robe? " Nam Joon asked.
I gasped, staring at his well toned abs. I never thought that he worked out! Oh my gosh, I'm drooling over him right now.

"Um... Where's the others? " I asked.
"They already went to the beach, let's go. " Nam Joon said, untying my robe.

"Y-Yah, I'll do it myself. "
"Why? "
And within a second, my robe is already gone, revealing my bikini.

"Oh. Wow. That was- "
"Stop, don't say anything! " I shouted.

I cleared my throat, running away from the chalet.
"Yah! Wait for me! " Nam Joon shouted with a laugh. I covered my bright face in embarrassment.

"Wait up. " Nam Joon panted, slinging an arm around my shoulder.
"Um, Nam Joon... "

"What? The guys are playing a drama inside their head, stay close with me. " he said, glaring at those hormonal guys on the beach, which practically eye-raped me.

"Noona- Oh. " Jungkook dropped his jaw, staring at my body.
"Hey there sexy. " Jimin whispered, hugging me from behind.
"Fuck off Jimin before I ninja kick you. " I warned.

"God, you guys! Stop staring at her! " Jin complaint, "(Y/N)! Come here! " he waved at me, already in the sea.

"One two three! " Suga shouted, lifting me up as I screamed, "Yah!!! What are you doing?! Put me down!! "

I wrapped my arms around his neck, afraid that I might fall when Suga is running towards Jin. We went to a deeper sea level, and that's where Suga threw me into the water.

Fortunately for me, I know how to swim. I took a deep breath before Suga threw me and now I'm holding my breath under the water, trying to scare them that I haven't got up.

"Yah! Where is (Y/N)?! " Jin yelled.
"I-I don't know! " Suga stuttered.

I smirked, swimming towards Suga and grabbed his leg, making him scream.

"Gah!! "
I burst out laughing at him when I came out from the water. Jin too, laughing hardly at him.

"Gosh, don't scare us like that. " Jin said after finish laughing at Suga.

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