Beach Trip Day 1, Part 3

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We sat around the fire, chatting and sharing funnt memories. And Suga came up with a stupid idea.

"Let's share horror stories. "

Horror stories are totally a no-no for me. I hate them, they would always success to scare the hell out of me, giving me nightmares.

"No! " I shouted, Hoseok nodded and whimpered, "I agree with (Y/N)... Hobi don't want to listeneu! "

"You guys are such babies. " Jungkook scoffed, taking a sip from his orange juice.

"I'll go first. " Jin said,

"Once upon a time, there was a guy who live in an apartment alone. One day, he noticed that there was a hand print on the mirror in his bathroom. It belongs to a child. "

"Maybe it's his niece or nephew? " Jimin said.
"Shut up. " Taehyung snapped, totally focusing on Jin's story.

Me, on the other side, were shaking in fear. Thank God Nam Joon is hugging me right now, calming down me. He stroked my hair, whispering, "I'm here, okay? You don't have to be scared. "

"Thanks. " I whispered back.

"The guy tried various ways to get rid of the hand print, but he failed. And that's where he noticed... The hand print- Was on the other side- Of the mirror. "

"Gosh! " I squealed.
"Okay, it creeps me out. " Jimin said.

"Taehyung next!! " Taehyung raised his hand up and grinned.

"One day, I was walking in a narrow corridor near my house at midnight. "

"Who the hell would walk around at midnight. " Suga scoffed.
"Don't interrupt Tae Tae! "

"I heard some rustling sound behind me, so I turned around - And saw... "

"S-Saw? " I stuttered, clutching Nam Joon's shirt.
"I saw- A cat. "

"Damn it, Taehyung hyung! " Jungkook let out a grunt.

"But!!! There's a but - The cat... It doesn't have a mouth. "

"Eww, that's creepy! " Jin said, cringing.
"The cat - It's a Hello Kitty. "

We all let out a grunt, glaring at Taehyung.
"It's not a horror story! " Nam Joon snapped.

"Don't judge Bwi! " Taehyung pouted and ran back to the chalet.

"Um, I think we should head back to our chalet, it's getting late. " I said, standing up.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to saw something I shouldn't see. " Suga teased.
"Stop it! "


"I knew this would happen to me. " I mumbled, sitting up and ran my fingers through my messy hair.

Climbing down the loft, I successfully landed my feet on the ground without a sound. I don't want to wake the others up.

Tiptoeing to the door, I grabbed a jacket and went out, slowly closing the door behind me.

Heading to the beach, I put on my jacket. Even though it's Summer, but the sea breeze at night were really cold.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grabbed my shoulder. Twisting my body, I punched the guy's stomach without knowing who's him. Hey, you can't blame me! I thought it's some rapist of robber.

But it's not.

"Omo, I'm so sorry!! "

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