Beach Trip Day 1, Part 2

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Me and Jungkook are at the sand, building sandcastles.
"Why don't you join them? " I asked, scooping up a handful of sand.

"Probably later. I want to spend time with noona. " Jungkook said, blushing.
"Aigoo, how cute. " I pinched his cheek.

Someone knocked over our sandcastles, making us groaned in frustration. We looked up and saw it's Jimin. Jimin smirked and sat down, "How childish. "

"Shut up, Jimin. " I spat.
"Hey, let's bury Jimin in sand! " Nam Joon said when he came, sitting down too.

"That's a great idea! " Taehyung cheered.
"I'll be lying down now. " Jimin said, putting on his sunglasses and lied down, shifting a little.

I smirked when an idea popped into my mind. I beckoned Suga and Jin, whispering to them my idea. They chuckled, "Let's do it. "


Jimin fell asleep as we finished burying his body in sand.
"Yah, Jungkook, take your camera! " I whispered, trying not to wake Jimin up.

Jungkook forced himself not to laugh, handing me the camera. I switched on the camera and took a lot of photos of Jimin buried in sand.

The last photo, we're all in it, grinning and holding up a peace sign. Jimin is still snoring, sleeping soundly.

I took the sea water and splashed some on his face. Jimin woke up and smiled, "Oh, you guy finished? "

"Yeah. " Jin said, chuckling and helped Jimin to take off his sunglasses.

"Wait, why I look weird?! " Jimin shouted, "You guys are so dead when I get out from this fucking sand! "

We all laughed, running away. Why? Because after burying his body, we made two huge boobs on his chest and a giant dick on his hips.

"Run!! " Suga yelled. I jumped on his back as he ran towards the sea.
"Yah! Don't leave me! " Jimin shouted, struggling to get out from the sand, "HELP ME!!! "

(Okay, actually I always did this to my cousin when we're at the beach xD I'm byuntae!!)


I struggled, trying to get out from this stupid sand. Some girls walked pass me and giggled, oh god! I'm gonna kill them all!

Finally, I stood up and ran towards them. When I arrived at their location, I splashed the sea water at them.

"Vengeance!! " I yelled, continue splashing the salty water.
"Jimin your face is priceless! " (Y/N) laughed. I smirked, "It's all your idea, isn't it? "

"So what if I say yes? "
"I'll kiss you. "
"Eww! " she ran away from me.

"Run! " Nam Joon yelled, stopping me from chasing her.
"I'll kiss you instead. " I said, puckering my lips at Nam Joon, making him cringe in disgust.

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