Movie Night

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"You guys, stop sucking each other's faces! " Suga yelled, "We're supposed to have a movie night together, not making out! "

"I agree. Taehyung, come sit beside me. " Jin patted the empty seat beside him on the couch.

"No! " Taehyung pouted, hugging Hani tightly, "No one can tear us apart! "
"How childish. " Hoseok muttered under his breath.

"What did you just say? " Taehyung scowled at Hoseok.
"Nothing! I said you two look cute! " Hoseok laughed awkwardly.

"I know right! " Taehyung beamed.
"Yah, where the hell is Jimin? " Jin asked.

"You invited Jimin?! " I yelled, standing up from my seat.
"Uh, yeah... Didn't I told you yesterday? " Suga said.

"Gosh, this is gonna be sooooo awkward. "

"Sorry, I'm late! " Jimin yelled, banging on the door. Hoseok stood up, walking towards the door.

"Yah, open up! " he yelled again.
"Yeah yeah, hold your fudge. " Hoseok said, opening the door.

"I bought pizzas! " Jimin lifted up two big boxes of pizzas.

"You're the best!! " Hani cheered.
"Oh, so I'm not the best? Jimin is better than me? Kim Tae Hyung? Your boyfriend? " Taehyung crossed his arms, knitting his eyebrows and sulked.

"Aww, baby I don't mean that way. " Hani whined.
"Give me a kiss. " Taehyung puckered his lips.

Hani grinned and lean in, leaving a small peck on his lips.

"Gross. " Nam Joon commented.
"Shut up, you loner. " Hani snapped, glaring at him.

"I'm gonna eat these all if you guys continue to bickering there. " I said with a blank expression, holding up a piece of pepperoni pizza and took a bite.

"Yah, you didn't pay! " Jimin whined, "You all must pay to eat the pizza! "

"Who cares, little boy. Now scram. " Nam Joon pushed Jimin away.
"Yah! You're such a bully! " Jimin punched Nam Joon's chest playfully.

"Hey, where is the other box? " Suga asked.
We all shrugged.

"Wait a minute... Where the hell is Hoseok?! " Jin yelled.
"He took the box of cheese pizza! " Nam Joon said.
"And he didn't pay me too! " Jimin whined, "I'm broke. "


"Guys, what should we watch? " Suga asked.
"I don't know, you decide. " Hoseok said.

"Fine then. "
Suga picked a horror movie, inserting the disc into the DVD player and turn off all the lights.

"We need creepy atmosphere. " Suga smirked, sitting on his couch.

"This ain't good. " I mumbled.
"It's okay, I'm here. " Jimin whispered, loud enough only for me to hear.

"Are you scareeeeed? " Nam Joon teased.
"A-Am not! "

"Hush! We're trying to watch. " Jin snapped.

"Hobi scaredeu! ㅠ﹏ㅠ "
"Man up. " Taehyung said.

But when the movie starting to get creepier, Taehyung are hugging Hani tightly, refused to watch.

"Oh my god! " I jumped when the ghost came on the screen. Unintentionally, I hugged Jimin.


She hugged me?! Asdfghjkl I think my breath just  stopped. Ah, I miss her so much. I miss the old her. Only if I didn't kissed Seo Eun. She's totally a relationship ruiner.

"There there. " I rubbed circles around her back, comforting her.

(Y/N) shot me an apologetic look, immediately drew back her body from me, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't meant to. "

Ouch. Did I just hear my heart break?

'Didn't meant to'? Why can't we treat each other like last time? I wanted us to go back where we first date.


"So, we're going home now. Bye Yoongi. " Jin waved at Suga.
"Bye, drive safely. " he said, waving back at us.

"Hey, I'll bring you home. " I said to (Y/N).
"It's okay Nam Joon can— "

"Would you stop saying his name? I'll bring you home, that's it. " I snapped, grabbing her wrist and dragged her to my car.

I need her come back to my life.
I can't live without her.
I still love her.


"Hey, wake up. " I whispered, poking her cheek. She groaned, shifting her body.

"If you're not gonna wake up I'm gonna kiss you. " I said, leaning in. When our noses touched, her eyes fluttered open, her hand went to my cheek and slap me hard.

"You pervert! " she hissed, smacking my head.
"Ouch! Stop it! "

"Hmph! " (Y/N) went out from my car, glaring at me before stepping into her house compound.

"Yah, wait. " I ran up, grabbing her wrist and spun her around.

"What do you want, Jimin? " she asked in annoyance, rolling her eyes at me.

"Can you come back to me? " I asked, "I really love you. "

"Jimin, stop. Stop asking me to return to you. I can't. After all what you did, do you think it's easy for me to forgive you? I can be your friend again, but we're not fated to be a couple. " she said, turning the door knob and went in, leaving me alone on the doorstep.

"Aish, I really fucked up! " I yelled.

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