Cleaning the stinky washroom!

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I slung my bag over my shoulder, walking to the teacher's office. I saw Soo Young standing in front of our maths teacher.

"Oh, you're here, finally. " Soo Young said sarcastically.
I ignored her.

"(Y/N)-ssi and Soo Young-ssi, both of you can start cleaning the washroom. You can leave after cleaning. " the teacher said sternly.

"Okay... " you said in a boring tone.


'First day of school and I need to clean this stinky place?! Ugh! "

I took the damp cloth and cleaned the mirror, while that Soo Young bitch mopped the floor. She purposely knocked over my pail and the water spilled on my shoes, making my feet wet.

"You-! "
"I'm sorry ~ " she battered her eyelashes, giving me the innocent (disgusting) look.
"Ugh! " I grunted, filling the pail with water again.

"Why are you even here? Why did you come to our school? " Soo Young asked.
I crossed my arms, "Why should I tell you? "

She glared at me, "I don't care actually, but you know what? You better stay away from Jimin oppa and his friends, or else I'll make your life miserable. "

I laughed sarcastically, scoffing, "Oh really? Why don't I make you feel miserable now? By splashing you this pail of dirty water. "

Soo Young stepped back and made a 'hmph' sound.
"This ain't over yet. "
"Yeah, of course it's not. " I answered.


"I give up cleaning this fucking stinky washroom! " Soo Young yelled in anger, throwing away the mop and walked off.
"Yah! " I shouted.

"Oh, poor thing. Clean this washroom, and report to the teacher that 'we' cleaned it together. " she said.

"What the- Yah! Yah! "
Soon Young waved at me and went out. I groaned, continue to scrub the walls.

"I hate my life. "
"Why? "

"Huh? "
I stopped scrubbing and turned around. It's Taehyung, that weirdo.

"What are you doing here? " I asked.
"Let's see... I was walking in the hallway, doing nothing. And I saw Soo Young came out from here, so I peeped inside and saw you scrubbing the walls like an ahjumma. "

"I'm not an ahjumma. " I said.
"Oh look! There's another me! " Taehyung pointed into the mirror. I rolled my eyes, "That's just your reflection, Kim Tae Hyung. "

"Oh, is it? I though I have twins. " he whined. Ty out couldn't help but giggled at his weird act. He grinned, "You finally smiled! I love your smile! "

"T-Thank you. " I stuttered, blushing when he flashed me his rectangular grin.

"Let me help you with that. " Taehyung said, offering a hand.
"Oh, it's okay! I can clean it myself. "
"Just pass me the brush. " he insisted.

I thanked him. Looking at his serious face, I felt my heartbeat increased.

"What's wrong with me?! My heart throbbed three times a day? First is Nam Joon, then Suga, now Taehyung? "

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