Jimin's Confession

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"Can we meet? "

I paused for a moment, unsure what to answer him. Taking a deep breath, I spoke: "Where? "

"I'm going to your house now. "
"Okay. "

Sighing, I got up from my bed and went downstairs, waiting for Jimin at the car porch. Few minutes later, Jimin arrived.

"Hey. " Jimin said, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Hi. "

"So, what do you want to talk? " I asked, trying to break the awkward silence between us.

"I still love you. "
"Jimin, if you want to talk about this- "
"Please, just listen. "

I sighed, placing my hands on both sides of my hips, "5 minutes. "

"Okay. Firstly, I want to say sorry for what I did. I was wrong. I shouldn't let Seo Eun seduces me. "

Seo Eun. That name. It makes me cringe in disgust when someone mention that name.

"Do you remember that time when me and her in the hallway, kissing? "
I nodded.

"I just want to make you feel jealous. But I saw your expression. You don't care anymore. "

(Italic means your thoughts)

"No, I do care. You didn't know I cried. "

"I saw you and Nam Joon are getting closer day by day. "

"Just trying to move on. Trying to forget you. "

"When someone gave you the flowers, I wanted to go and snatch it from you, crumple it and toss it in the trash can. "

"Then why didn't you do it? "

"I saw what Mark did to you last night. I wanted to save you, I wanted to hit him so hard. But Nam Joon came in time. He took the opportunity from me to save you. I wanted to be your hero, your one and only hero. "

"1 minute. " I said.

"I don't know how to tell you how much I love you, but I hope this will do. " Jimin cupped my cheeks, leaning in until our lips brushed.

"Come back to me. "

As Jimin pressed his lips harder on mine, I closed my eyes, enjoying the kiss. One single drop of hot tear rolled down from his cheek, following by many drops, wetting my cheeks.

We pulled away from each other, gasping for oxygen. Jimin hugged me, whispering into my ear: "I love you. Forgive me. "

The disgusting scene where Jimin and Seo Eun kissed replayed in my mind. I can't forgive him. I pushed him away, staring into his bloodshot eyes.

"I can't. "

I walked into my house, closing the door without taking a look at Jimin. Somehow it's hard for me to forgive him.

Besides, I don't even know whether I still love him. Or not.

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