Preparing for the Beach Trip

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"YAH! "

I bolted up from my bed, gasping in shock. The sunlight shone into my room. I squinted my eyes because of the brightness.

"Why are you here?! How do you get into my room?! " I yelled at Taehyung, who was giving me his usual rectangular grin.

"We're supposed to go to the beach today!! " he cheered, running around and finally jumped on my bed. I groaned, "Can you go out now? "

"Why? " he asked innocently.
"I need to take a bath and change, pabo! "
"Oh... " Taehyung answered, still standing beside me with a blank expression.

"Well get out! " I stood up and pushed him out from my room.


"Eomma, did you let them in? " I whispered to my mother, who was busying serving Nam Joon and the others some desserts.

"Kamsahamnida, abeonim. " they said in unison.
"Aigoo ~ You all look handsome! " my mother flattered them.

"Oh hell no. " I groaned, rolling my eyes.
"Eomma, why did you let them in?! Especially that alien! " I pointed at Taehyung.

Okay, now Taehyung is acting serious, acting like a normal human being.

"Him? He's not an alien. Taehyung-ssi is such a sweetheart. " my mother said.
I sighed, plopping down beside Hoseok and Jungkook.

"You sure know how to win my mum's heart. " I mocked Taehyung.
"Thank you. " he answered.

"Your mother is so kind. You should be more like her! " Jimin teased.
"Oh shut up, you piece of shit! "

"Language please. " my mother said.
"Eonnie!!! " Avril came, running towards me.

"Who are these people? " she asked, "Oh, Nam Joon oppa!! " she squealed, running at him and hugged Nam Joon.

"Uri Avril are taller than last time we met. " Nam Joon cooed, pulling her up and made her sat on his lap.

"Dude, how you know her? " Jin asked.
"Kyeopta!! " Hoseok said, "Come, ride on my back! "

Avril giggled as Nam Joon placed her on Hoseok's back.

"Go go!! " Avril accidentally kicked Hoseok's hip, making him fall flat on his stomach.


"Let's hit the road!! " Suga cheered. I sat between Nam Joon and Jimin.

"Can you play some music, Jin hyung? Taehyung hyung is making weird noises and it annoys me a lot. " Jungkook said.

"Yeah. "

Jungkook turned on the radio. It plays Fantastic Baby by BIGBANG.

"OOH, this is mah JAM! " Jimin yelled in excitement.
"Jimin. "

"What? "
"You got no jams. " Nam Joon snapped, making us laugh.

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