Hani, you came!

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"There's a lot of transfer student after Summer break, I see... Class, a new student is going to join your class today. " the teacher announced.

"Jinjja?! "
"Is it a guy or a girl?! "
"I hope she's pretty! "

"Heh, y'all be shock when she comes in. " I smirked, chuckling lightly.

"Why are you chuckling? " Nam Joon asked.
"Oh, nothing ~ " I said.

"Please come in. "

Hani slides the door open, stepping into our class. 40 pairs of eyes including me are staring at her. Duh , Hani is a real beauty. No one can resist her charms.

"Woah! "
"I'm glad I'm in this class. "

The guys are getting excited.

"Anneyonghasaeyo, my name is Ahn Hani. I'm from Busan. "

"Busan? " Jimin looked at me.
"What? "
"Do you know her? " he asked.

I shrugged, still smirking at Hani. Hani saw me and gave me a teasing grin.

"You're so beautiful! " a guy named Seungri shouted.
"Thank you ~ " Hani bowed.

"Kyaa! Her voice is so sweet! "

"Pfft, she's not 'that' beautiful. " Seo Eun rolled her eyes.
"Oooh, seems like the new student are more famous than 'someone'. " I said, loud enough for Seo Eun to hear.

She glared at me, then I battered my eyelashes, giving her an innocent look.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you? "

"Ahn Hani-ssi, your seat is there. " the teacher pointed at an empty seat in front of me.

"Perfect. " I thought.

Before sitting down, Hani turned around and flicked my forehead. I winced in pain, kicking her chair and whispered, "What's that for?! "

"I miss you too much. "
"Doesn't mean you should flick my forehead, you asshole. " I hissed.

"Soweiii ~ " she pouted.

"So you know her? " Nam Joon asked.
"Yeah, my best friend in my old school. " I answered.
"Ah... "

"Isn't she look perfect? " I asked Nam Joon.
"Still not my type. "
"Are you kidding me?! " I scoffed, "You should go check your eyesight. "

Nam Joon chuckled, "I think you should. Because you're so blind. "
"Why? "
He sighed, "Nothing. Forget about it. "

"Okay, who wants to bring Hani-ssi for a tour around the school? "

Taehyung stood up immediately, his chair fell on the floor and he blushed.

"Looks like Taehyung had a crush on Hani. Hmm, interesting. "

"Yah, don't scare her with ladybugs, you freak. " Hoseok said.


This Taehyung guy is so cute! He's blushing all the time, while giving me a tour around this huge school. It's really better than my old one.

"Um.. Uh... H-Hani. " Taehyung stammered.
"Yes? "

"I know this is weird but... C-Can I have your phone number? " Taehyung asked timidly, playing with his fingers.

"Sure~ "
His face lit up instantly, handing me his phone.


Now, where were we? Oh, so that's Choi Seo Eun. The one who glued to Jimin, a.k.a, (Y/N)'s boyfriend. Hmm, such a slut.

"Yah! I'm talking to you! " (Y/N) flicked my forehead.
"Aishh shut up! I'm thinking how to help you. "
"Help me for what? "

I pointed at Seo Eun, who was hugging Jimin's arm. Snapping back my head to (Y/N), I saw her biting her lips. When she bites her lips, there's two reason: 1. She's nervous, 2. She's jealous.

Gosh, I'm so proud of myself. I know her very well.

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