Nam Joon's Ending Part 1

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"Hey, did you find your prom date yet? " Nam Joon asked. I shook my head.

"Nope. What about you? "

"Uh... I was wondering... If you wanted to be my prom date? " he grinned.

"Oppa! " a girl squealed, bouncing towards us.

"There goes your fan. " I mocked, rolling my eyes.

"Oppa! Can you be my prom date? " she whined, tugging Nam Joon's arm.

I shook my head again, this time with a low chuckle. Those girls are really pathetic.

"Ugh, of course not. I already have a way better prom date than you. Here she is. " Nam Joon grabbed my arm and yanked me, causing me stumble back.

"See? From head to toe you can't even compared to her. She's such a goddess. " he stated, kissing my forehead in front of the girl.

The girl gave me one last glare before running off with tears in her eyes.

"Yah, do you want to die? " I snapped, "Why did you kiss me?! "

"To make the girl fuck off so we can continue our conversation. " he beamed proudly, "So... Can you be my prom date? "

"I don't know... " I murmured.

"Please? It's only once in our live and I really really wanted to spend this senior prom with my love one. "

"I'm your love one? " I asked in disbelief, "I thought you already given up on me. "

"What makes you think that? I would never give up on you. " Nam Joon said, "Please? Be my prom date. " he pouted.

"Alright. You happy now? " I grunted.

"Yes! Thank you so much, (Y/N)! I love you! "

"I don't. "

"I know you do. " he smirked.

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