Embarassing Seo Eun

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"Jimin, let's go to the cafeteria. " I said, tugging his arm.
"Wait. " he pulled me back, causing me to fall on him and sit on his lap, facing him.

Jimin leaned in, kissing me on the lips. I punched his chest playfully, "Yah! What if the teacher saw us?! "

Getting up from him, I gave Seo Eun an victorious smirk.
"I can't stop myself from kissing you. Ah, I need a doctor ~ " Jimin whined.

"Come on, stop whining. Let's go! "
"Oppa ~ " Seo Eun grabbed Jimin's arm, "Kaja ~ "

I rolled my eyes.

"There she goes. Claiming Jimin as hers. Pshh. "

"No, Seo Eun. Stop clinging on me, gosh. Can't you see I need to accompany my beautiful girlfriend? " Jimin winked at me, shaking her off and took my hand, "Let's go. "

"You loser ~ " I mouthed at Seo Eun. She stomped her feet, glaring at me.

On the way to the cafeteria, I hummed happily.
"Why are you so happy? " Jimin asked, chuckling.

"I'm happy because Hani came- Wait, where's she?! God, I forget about her! " I gasped.

"There she is. " Jimin pointed at Hani, who was sitting beside Taehyung. Damn, they really hit love.

"Wow, Taehyung got the new girl on her first day of school? Cool. " Jin commented, approaching behind us.

"Woah, when are you here? " I asked.
"You two are blocking the way. Now move. " Jin swatted his hand.


"Hey lovebirds. " I teased, sitting across Hani. She rolled her eyes, "Oh shut up. "

"Oppa, I found you! " Seo Eun beamed, sitting beside Jimin after setting down her food tray.

Hani gave me an are-you-serious look. I shook my head, mouthing: "She does that everyday. "

Hani smirked, standing up with her hot coffee in her hand. She 'accidentally' spilled it on Seo Eun. Seo Eun shrieked, shouting: "What the fuck! Yah! What are you doing?! "

The whole cafeteria went silent. All eyes were on her. Hani bowed, innocently apologizing.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't meant it! "

"Good acting, Hani. " I mentally laughed.

"What do you mean you're sorry, huh?! "

"Isn't that Seo Eun? "
"Wow, she's bullying the new girl. "
"Such a witch. "
"How can one scold such beautiful and innocent girl?! "

The students are starting to chatters, giving Seo Eun a dirty look.

Seo Eun stomped off, running out from the cafeteria. Taehyung grabbed a piece of tissue, helping Hani to clean some stain on her white shirt.

"U-Um.. Tae, I can handle it myse- "
"Why are you so careless. You're so cute. " Taehyung chuckled.

"Aww, they're so sweet! "
"Ah, my Taehyung oppa! "
"Such a lucky girl. "

The girls whined jealously.

I gave Hani a thumbs up, "Nice. "

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