My Hero

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"Where is she?! " I muttered under my breath, running around the school, searching for her.

(Y/N) supposed to meet me an hour ago, I'm pretty sure she didn't walk out from this school!

"Help! "

"(Y/N)?! "

I followed her voice and bursted into our classroom.

Mark is hovering over her. Her clothes are wrinkled and her hair are messy, on top of that, Mark is only in his boxers. That bastard! What is he trying to do to (Y/N)?!

I rushed to them and yanked him off, punching him in his face. Mark threw a punch on me, I tried to dodge but I was too late.

I can't feel pain right now. The anger took over me. How could he do that to (Y/N)?! I knew he's not a good person from the start!

I kicked Mark's crotch. He groaned, grabbing his pant and ran out from class. I helped (Y/N) up, hugging her.

"It's okay now. No one would hurt you anymore. " I said, kissing her forehead and stroked her reddened cheek, wiping away her tears.

"N-Nam Joon, I'm scared. " she sobbed, burying her face into my chest as I slowly stroked her head, "It's okay, you're safe now. Let's go, the school are closing. "


"Thanks a lot, Nam Joon. " (Y/N) whimpered, leaning her head on my shoulder. My body stiffen up. It's the first time she do that to me. Hello, lungs and heart? Why are you not functioning?

I stopped breathing. I felt my heart stopped beating too. I'm in bliss. Nothing can ruin this moment.

"I... I'm sorry. " she murmured.
"What's wrong? " I asked.

"We didn't go to the arcade today. "

I laughed, shaking my head.
"Gwenchanha. How about Saturday? Let's go together. "

"Okay ~ " her face lit up, grinning at me. I ruffled her hair, "Let me send you home. "


As we walked to her home, our hands kept brushing each other. I grabbed her hand and laced our finger together.

They say good moments can't last longer. It's true. When I was with her, I felt hours like minutes, minutes like seconds. We arrived at her house too soon.

"Thank you, Nam Joon. For everything you did. " she said, "How can I repay you? "

"I don't know, maybe a kiss will do? " I joked. She blushed, standing on her toes and placed a short kiss on my cheek.

I was stunned. My crush just kissed me! I wanted to freak out, yelling and cheering, maybe do a victory dance. But I must keep my cool in front of her.

(Y/N) said a 'bye' and ran into her house in a lightning speed.

Oh well, guess I won't be washing my face tonight.

School Life With BTS [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now