Seo Eun's Evil Plan

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I'm pretty sure Jimin would like me. Pfftt, of course he do. Just, look at me! My perfect curves, outstanding look and there milky legs. Gosh, that (Y/N) can't even compared to me.

"Jimin oppa ~ " I cooed, sitting on his table, purposely sitting crossed legs so that he'll saw my pink laces panties.

"Uh... Hey. " Jimin stammered, "What are you doing here? "
"Mm, nothing. I'm just bored, and I miss you! " I giggled.
"Oh. Look, um... C-Can you leave now? I'm waiting for (Y/N). She would misunderstand if she saw just the two of us in class. "

"Oppa. " I pouted, trying to seduces him with all my might, "Can't you see I like you a lot? "

Bending over and leaning to him, I heard his breath hitched when he saw my bra.
"Just leave her already. I'm way better than her. "

Grabbing his collar, I pulled him into a kiss. I'm smirking now, because Jimin doesn't fights back. Instead, he kissed me back. Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me down to his lap.

Jimin started to lower his head, kissing my neck. Biting, sucking, licking. Gosh. He's driving me crazy!
Running my fingers through his hair, Jimin continued kissing my neck, lowering his hand till it stopped on my big, round ass.

No guys can resist my sex appeal.

I knew it.

Jimin is interested in me.

The highlight finally came. (Y/N) is standing at the door, gasping. I smirked, continue letting Jimin to kiss my neck. (Y/N) dropped her books on the floor, due to the shock.

Jimin stopped kissing me, pushing me off from his lap and stared at (Y/N).
"J-Jagi, I can explain! "

(Y/N) bend over, taking the books in her hand and ran off.

"Seems like I defeated her. " I smirked, "Oppa, let's continue where we left off. "
"Shut up! " he yelled, pushing me off and grabbing his bag, shouting (Y/N)'s name.


"I-I can't believe what I saw! "

Running off from the classroom, where me and Jimin supposed to study together, I tripped over my shoelaces.

My knees are hurting, but I doesn't want to see Jimin. Forcing myself to run, I finally arrived home. My sister looked at me, concerned, "Eonnie, your knees are bleeding. "

"Y-Yeah. "
"Eonnie, uljima(Don't cry). Is it hurt so much? I'll help you take the bandages! "

"Avril-yah... It's not only my knees hurt. My heart hurts too. "


My mother are staying overnight at her office, due to her work. So, I have to take care of my sister. I locked the door before going to sleep.


Outside are raining cats and dogs. I couldn't sleep. Whenever I close my eyes, the scene where Jimin and Seo Eun kissing appears. I'm going crazy!

Reaching for my phone at the nightstand, I saw there's a lot of unread messages.

They're from Jimin.

Jimin: Please, listen to me! I'm outside your house now, please listen to my explanation! - Just now

I opened the blinds. The crystal clear raindrop glued to the glass window, slowly sliding down like a stream.

There he is. Standing under the rain. Yes, it hurts me a lot to see him like this. But in can't forgive him. I just can't.

Jimin saw me. Even though it's dark, the lamp post are enough for me to see Jimin's face.

Trying my best to ignore him, I closed the blinds and plopped down on my bed, crying myself to sleep.

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