Bumped into Nam Joon/ Maths lesson?!

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Boring Sunday... I'm cramming for exam right now. Actually not. Just the subject - Mathematics. Those algebraic expression are killing me!!! I handled the other subjects but not Maths. Who the hell created those stupid x's and y's?!

Dear X, stop finding for Y because she's not coming back anymore.

Maybe I should stop learning and go out for a stroll. It's still morning.

"Eomma, I'm going out. " I told my mother.
"Don't come back too late, alright? " she said.
"Arrasso. " I answered, taking my sling bag and went out.


Hah, what a nice weather! The sun is not too hot, the wind is not too strong. The temperature is just FINE.

I stopped by at a cafe. It gave people a comfy feel, and I love it! All I need is an Ice Mocha.

A tingling sound above my head when I opened the cafe's door. It's a bell. The staff greeted me warmly as I made my way to the ordering counter.

"Can I have an Ice Mocha? "
"Right away, miss. " the girl said, giving me a card with a number 3 on it after I paid for my beverage.

When I was about to find a seat, I heard a familiar voice behind me, ordering.
"Miss, can I have a hot coffee? "

"N-Nam Joon? "
"Oh, you're here too? " he asked.
"Yeah. "

I proceeded to my seat, sitting down and stared outside the window. The flowers are starting to wilt, the leaves are changing color. Summer is coming.

"Can I join you? " Nam Joon asked.
"Yeah, sure. " I said.

He sat across me, placing down his cake.
"I never thought we'll bumped into each other. "
"Nam Joon, both of us are in Seoul, okay? It makes sense that we met. "

"Ice Mocha for you and hot coffee for you sir. " the girl placed our drinks and walked off.

"Mm, the aroma. " Nam Joon moaned, "I love it. "
"I still prefer Mocha. " I said.


"So, how's your weekend? Good? " he asked.
I shook my head and sighed, "No. I studied all the subjects, but I just can't understand Mathematics. "

"Hmm, why don't you go to my house later, and I'll teach you? " Nam Joon said, taking a sip from his coffee.

"That's a great idea. "
I thanked him, dialling my mother's phone number.

"Eomma, I might be late. I'll be home probably 8 to 9 P.M. "

"Why? What's wrong? "
"I'm doing revision with Nam Joon. "
"Nam Joon? That handsome guy? "

Her voice was too loud! Nam Joon heard it and smirked. I immediately cut her off and hung up.

"Your mum loves me. "
"No she don't. "
"Yes. "
"No. "
"Don't argue with me. " Nam Joon said.


"And we're here! " Nam Joon tossed his blazer on the couch.

Wow, his house are sure messy.

"Can't you clean up a bit? " I said, "Your house looks like a pigsty. "
"Oh shut up. " Nam Joon rolled his eyes, "Let's go to my room. "

"H-His room?! What are we gonna do in there? God, (Y/N)!! What are you thinking!!! "

I cleared my throat, "Uh... Sure. "


"So, x² divided by πr equals to this answer? " I asked.
"Yes. " he nodded, "Good job, you've improved. "

"I wouldn't if you didn't tutor me. " I said, "Thanks a lot. "
"Where's my reward? " Nam Joon whined.

"Gosh, I didn't know you whine! " I cringed.
"Why not~ " he whined again, hugging me, "I only show my cute side to the one I love. "

"Okay... This is so awkward. "

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