Ugh, my bleeding nose!

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After Summer break...

It's P.E lesson, and I love it so much! I love sports - Especially volleyball.

The girls are playing volleyball while the boys are playing basketball at the side.

After 20 minutes, I'm exhausted. I went to the bench and gulped down the water, emptying the water bottle just in 10 seconds.

Summer's over, but it's still hot.

Suddenly- "(Y/N)! Look out! " someone shouted.

A basketball landed on my face, hitting right on my nose. The impact caused my nose to bleed, and I felt dizzy after that.

"Yah Yoongi! I told you not to play that harsh! " Jimin scolded.

Nam Joon ran towards me, "(Y/N), gwenchanha? "
"I think my nose broke. " I said.

"Nam Joon-ssi, please bring her to the school clinic. "
(Sorry idk what they call it)

"Ne. "


"Are you okay now? " Nam Joon asked.
"Yeah, my nose finally stopped bleeding. " I answered.

He sighed, sitting down beside me.
"Hey... So... How are you and Jimin doing? "

"Um... " I played with the hem of my shirt, "Good, I think? "
"You know, you can always come to me, if Jimin ever hurts you. " Nam Joon said, holding my hand.

"Because I will always waiting for you. "

Nam Joon leaned in. I shut my eyes tightly, feeling nervous that he'll kiss me. Indeed, he kissed me.

When my eyes fluttered open, I saw Nam Joon smiling and chuckled, "I told you I won't kiss you on your lips, if you're not my girlfriend. "

Nam Joon kissed my forehead, not my lips. I'm glad that he respected me, because I'm not his girlfriend. I'm Jimin's girlfriend.


"Jagiya!! " Jimin whined, hugging me tightly, "I already punished Yoongi that jerk. Let me see your nose, is it okay now? "

"Yeah, it's better now. "
"Thank God. " Jimin let out a sigh, "Jagi, do you know how jealous am I when I saw Nam Joon held your shoulder just now? " he pouted.

"I'm really really jealous! I should be the one who hold you, not Nam Joon. " Jimin murmured.
"You don't have to, Jiminnie ~ I love you. "

Jimin pursed his lips, blushing.
"Aww is my Jimin blushing? How cute! " I pinched his cheek.

"Yah, stop that ~ " he whined, puckering his lips, "I need a kiss from you to prove that you love me. "
"Jimin, we're at the school's clinic. The nurse will come in anytime, pabo! "

"I don't care, " Jimin whined again, "Pwease ~ "
"Fine. " I gave in, closing my eyes as our lips were inch apart.

When our lips touched, Suga interrupted us by opening the curtains and clearing his throat.

"You guys are so gross. " he snapped, rolling his eyes.
"Yah, why did you come?! " Jimin asked.
"I wanted to apologize, to (Y/N). "

"Go ahead then. " Jimin said.
"Hey (Y/N), I'm so sorry if hurted your nose. "

"I-It's okay, at least my nose didn't broke! " I said.
"No it's not okay now will you scram? We need do continue our kiss- "
I pinched Jimin's arm, "Shut up will you? " I said between gritted teeth, and smiled at Suga.

"Yoongi, I'm really okay~ You don't have to worry about me. "
"Oh, then... I'll get going. Bye. "

"Why did you pinch me?! " Jimin whined.
"You know why. " I answered, rolling my eyes at his childish behavior.

"Punishment. " he said, and grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss.

School Life With BTS [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now