A new girl student?

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"Hey guys! Did you hear the news? There's a hot girl coming to our school! " Suga exclaimed.
"Jinjja?! Woah, I'm excited to see her! " Hoseok said.

"Yah Nam Joon, join us! " Jin shouted, waving his hand at Nam Joon, who was sitting alone, reading his book.

"No. " he said coldly.
"Hey, I wonder why Nam Joon is being cold these few days. " Taehyung muttered, "Anyway, I hope that new girl will join us in the same class! "

"I know right! " Jimin exclaimed.

"Oh no, I have a bad feeling about this new girl. " I thought, biting my lips without noticing myself.

"Class, go back to your seats. There's a new student will be joining us today, please come in. "

The girl - She's really pretty. She has an angelic face, a breathtaking body with a petite legs. Dang, I need to admit she's really beautiful. And that makes me worry.

"Anneyonghasaeyo ~ My name is Choi Seo Eun. I'm from Gangnam. "

"Damn, that legs! " Woo Bin exclaimed.
Those guys are drooling over the new student, Seo Eun. She smiled sweetly at them, making their heart flutter.

"Oh my god, she's like an angel fell from the heaven! " another guy said.
"Pfftt, what's so special about her. " Soo Young said.

And that's the first time I agree with Soo Young.

Y'all know, girls are quite jealous when they saw another girl which is more prettier than themselves. Okay I admit, I'm jealous too!

I glanced over Jimin. He's staring at Soo Young with his jaw dropping. Jealousy and anger are boiling inside me. I kicked his leg under the table, making him snapped his head and look at me, clueless.

"Isn't she look beautiful, Park Jimin-ssi? " I asked, still smiling at Jimin.
"(Y/N), you misunderstood. I'm just checking her out, I won't - "
"Checking her out? " I pinched Jimin's arm, making him wince in pain, "So you admit that you're checking her out? " I asked again.

"N-No, I'm sorry! Please don't pinch me! " Jimin said in a low voice.
"Hmph! " I crossed my arms and sulked.
"Aww jagi, mianhae. I love you, alright? " he whined, grabbing my hand.

"Hmm, Seo Eun-ssi, you can sit beside Jimin-ssi. " the teacher said.
"What?! Then where am I suppose to sit?! " I screamed in my mind.

"Uh, teacher. Where should I sit then? " I asked.
"Nam Joon-ssi, please change your seat with Yoongi-ssi, and Yoongi-ssi. Someone please wake him up. " the teacher said, annoyed.

Yoongi finally woke up.

"Yoongi-ssi, please sit over there. " the teacher pointed at an empty seat beside the window, still at the last row.

"Perfect, no one can interrupt my beauty sleep anymore! " Yoongi exclaimed, grabbing his bag and went over that seat.

I sighed, packing my stuff and threw my bag on the chair, next to Nam Joon. That new student went to my old seat, smiling at Jimin.

"Anneyonghasaeyo ~ I hope we can be friends in the future. " Seo Eun said sweetly. I was mimicking her voice in my mind.

"O-Oh sure! We can be friends now. " Jimin said. I was gripping the edge of the table so hard that I didn't even notice. Nam Joon saw me and he took my hand, "You're gonna hurt yourself. "

I didn't leave my gaze on Jimin and Seo Eun. I'm damn jealous about her! My boyfriend, a.k.a Park Jimin, he's now flirting with that Seo Eun girl, right beside me!

When Jimin's eyes met mine, he gulped and looked down.

I grunted silently, covering my face with my hands.

School Life With BTS [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now