Nam Joon's Sad Memory

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This is all Nam Joon's POV:

Exactly 2 years ago, I'm 16. I went to America for this exchange student program, and I met Cheryl.

She's lively, beautiful, and easygoing. I couldn't help but fell in love with her. Cheryl and I were officially dating after three months I went to her school.

But things doesn't go the way I want. Cheryl were getting weaker and weaker every day. I brushed it off, thinking that she stressed out too much, but I was wrong.

If only I bring her to have a check up at the hospital earlier, she would still alive till today, maybe we're a happy couple now.

One day, when we're having a date in a park where I first confessed to her, she started coughing.


"Cheryl, are you okay? " I asked, patting her back.
"I'm ok— *cough*  "

Cheryl took out her handkerchief, covering her mouth.

As she took away the handkerchief from her mouth, we both saw blood. She coughed blood.

"C-Cheryl! "

Cheryl fainted. I carried her and shouted for help.

Thankfully someone called the ambulance for me, but it's pointless. We're too late.

When Cheryl was awake, the doctor said she had lung cancer, and it cannot be cured.

I blamed myself. I cried every day, every night. I felt pieces of my body were torn apart. I never been hurt like this.

Cheryl is still smiling, assuring that she's fine.

"Someday, we all have to die. "

This is what she said to me.

Flashback end...

I miss you so much. When I returned to Korea, I've changed. The kind Nam Joon were no longer alive, I'm the badass and playboy — Kim Nam Joon.

I was known as the school's heartthrob. Girls adored me, falling all over for me. I started playing with girl's feelings, but still, everyone loves me.

Somehow, I can't be that kind Nam Joon anymore. I was scared. I was scared that I would hurt once again by love. Fuck love, it almost ruined my life.

I never thought I'll fall in love again, after I mourned your death. But her... She's different than the other girls. She looks just like you.

Her laugh would never fail to make my heart flutter. Cheryl, forgive me because, I fell in love with other girl. I really love her, but unfortunately. She doesn't return my feelings.

And now— Park Jimin— He stole away my love. I can't blame him, I blame myself. I blame myself that I didn't try harder to win her heart. Now she belongs to Jimin, not me.

I would secretly continue to love her. I wouldn't ruin their relationship. If she's happy, that's enough for me. I wanted to see her laugh, every single day.

Because, her laugh makes my day.

I would risk again to love her.

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