Jimin's Ending Part 2

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"Yah Park Jimin! " I yelled, waving at him.

Jimin noticed me and make his way through the crowd, stopping in front of me.

"Ah, you look gorgeous! " he exclaimed, cupping my cheeks.

"Hands off me, you freak. " I snapped, "Do you know you're late for 10 minutes? "

"Aww, I'm sorry. I stopped by at- Uh... Hey! Let's go find the others! " Jimin said with an awkward laugh, dragging me towards Jin and Yoongi.

"Where did you stop by just now? " I asked, curious.

"Hello, Jin! " Jimin just ignored my question, "What's up, Yoongi. "

"Hey, oh my gosh you look damn cute! " Jin exclaimed, "Your dress and your matching heels. Daebak. Perfect combination ever. "

"Yeah, you do look great tonight. " Yoongi said, checking me out from head to toes.

"Yah yah yah, don't look at her like that. She's mine for tonight. " Jimin said, hugging me like a koala bear.

"Jimin, get away from me this instant. You're wrinkling my dress. " I groaned, pushing Jimin with all my might.

"Where's Taehyung? " Jimin asked, "I don't see him. "

"There. " Hoseok came up, pointing at a corner. Hani and Taehyung are making out. Oh gosh. I don't understand why they can't keep their hands off each other just for a mother freaking second.

"Well that's gross. " Jin cringed in disgust.

"I think it's nice. " Jimin smirked. He glanced at his watch, and jumped a little.

"Oh hey, (Y/N)! Let's get out of here. " he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out from the huge hall once again.

We arrived at the garden, which is really quiet and no one's here except me and Jimin.

"Why are we here? " I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Can you wait me for a minute? I'll be right back. " Jimin said, running off.

Sighing, I sat down on a swing, holding the chains and swing back and forth.

3 minutes had pass, and Jimin is still not here. I grunted, standing up. When I was about to take a step, I heard an angelic voice which comes from behind me.

Within a second, I spun around and saw Jimin with Jungkook. A guitar was in Jungkook's hand.

"What the hell.. " I murmured, blinking a few times, wondering it's a dream or not.

At that moment, I felt the time stop. Jimin's voice successfully melted my heart. With the guitar sound that Jungkook plays and Jimin singing Only Look At Me by Taeyang, my tears flowed down without knowingly.

Jimin came closer to me, successfully ended the song. As he cupped my burning cheeks, I stared into his beautiful eyes.

"J-Jimin-ah... "

"Shh, don't say anything. " he placed his index finger on my lips, "I just wanted you to know I love you so much. I'm truly sorry about what I did to you. I don't want to be friends with you, (Y/N). Can you please, forgive me once again? " Jimin pleaded.

"Jimin.. " his words left me speechless. All I can do is stand on my toes, leaving a long kiss on his lips I always used to kiss.

Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'. " he said, smiling brightly.

"Okay, sorry to interrupt you guys but, Jimin hyung. You owed me. " Jungkook said.

"Come on, Jungkook. " Jimin whined, releasing me and faced Jungkook.

"No whining. "

"Aish, fine. " Jimin shoved his hand into his pocket and placed a 1000 ₩ on Jungkook's hand. Jungkook showed his bunny teeth.

"Noona, I'm glad you two made up. Anyway, Jimin hyung, you almost got me into trouble. " Jungkook pouted.

"What trouble? " I asked.

"Don't you know we need tickets to get into this senior prom? Don't forget I'm still a year behind you guys. I need to flirt with the woman at the entrance, so that she let me in. At first she wanted to call the teachers when she saw me sneaked in, climbing into the garden. But then, fortunately she didn't. "

"Ah, that explains your attire. " I said, giggling.

"Thank you, Jungkook-ah. "

"See you next time, hyung. I'm going back. " Jungkook bid us goodbye.

"Jagiya. "

"Jagiya... This word meant a lot to me. "

"Yes, Jimin? "

"I have something to give you. " he said, taking out a small box from his pocket.

"What is it? "

"Open it. " Jimin said. I opened the box, revealing a beautiful silver necklace with a small heart-shaped diamond.

"Omo, it's beautiful. " I exclaimed, taking out from the box. The diamond shimmered under the moonlight, making it more beautiful 10 times.

"Do you like it? " Jimin asked.

I nodded happily, "I love it! "

"Here, let me help you. " Jimin said, taking the necklace and helped me to put it on.

"Thank you so much, Jimin. "

"Don't. You deserve more than this. " Jimin said, placing a short kiss on my lips, "Ah, I miss your lips so much! " he whined. The childish Jimin had returned.

"Me too. " I said.

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