Jimin Part 3

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"And that's how appa and eomma got together. " Jimin said, patting our daughter's head.

"Wahh ~ When I grow up and I wanted to marry a man like appa! So he would love me so much like appa love eomma ~ " she exclaimed, clapping her tiny hands.

I chuckled, stroking her hair.

"Sweetie, bed time. " I cooed, "You need to wake up early tomorrow. "

"Aww but, eomma ~ " she whined, "I don't wanna go to sleep. "

"Baby, do you want a little siblings? " Jimin asked out of the blue.

"Yes yes yes! " she chanted.

"Then you must sleep early. Arrasso? " Jimin kissed her forehead.

She nodded in excitement, "Ne, appa! Goodnight eomma and appa! "

Our cute daughter ran up to her room, closing the door. Jimin pulled me closer to him by my waist, kissing my neck and roams his hands all over my body.

"Stop it. " I giggled, pushing him off.

"Let's get our daughter a playmate. " Jimin smirked, scooping me up from the floor with bridal style.

"Yah, put me down. " I smacked his head. Jimin growled, "Did you just smack my head? "

"Yes I did. Now put me down. " I said.

"You're gonna get your punishment, baby girl. " he hissed, throwing me down on the bed and kisses me rougly.

"J-Jimin! " I squeaked when he grabbed my breast (forgive me and my byuntae mind).

"Don't you like it when I'm rough with you? " Jimin licked his lips seductively, "You better keep your voice down because you'll wake our daughter when I thrust into your pussy. "

"Oh God, his dirty talking.. "

"Wait. " I stopped Jimin when he's pulling off my shorts, "Go check on her first. I wouldn't want her to barge into our room seeing us... "Mating". " I said, totally turned on by Jimin's dirty words.

"Sure, babe. Be right back. I assume you should be naked, legs wide open for me when I come back. " Jimin winked, leaving me alone in our bedroom.

"Gosh, he's really a pervert. " I laughed to myself, shaking my head. Anyway, I don't mind actually. I love the byuntae Jimin, my byuntae yet cute husband

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