Seo Eun's True Self

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I'm glad that Park Soo Young stopped bothering Jimin and me. There's a new student came to our school named Yook Sung Jae. Probably Sung Jae is Soo Young's new "prey".

But what's bugging me is- Choi Seo Eun. That hooker. Jimin told her he already had a girlfriend, and that's me. Guess what? She don't gives a fuck. She's flirting with Jimin, following him everywhere he goes.

I'm a human too, alright? I can't stand too see Seo Eun flirting with Jimin every single day.

"Yah Choi Seo Eun! " I yelled. Stomping towards her, I gritted my teeth.

"Oh hello there, (Y/N)-ssi. What can I do for you? " she battered her eyeslashes.


"Can you stop bothering Jimin? "
"Why should I? "

I scoffed, "Because he already had a girlfriend, you slut. "
"Oh really? " she mocked, circling around me and checking me from head to toes.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I can't believe how blind is Jimin. " she smirked, crossing her arms, "You're just an ordinary girl. Nothing special. You can't even compared to me. "

Ouch, that hurt my heart and pride.

"Pshh, stop flattering yourself, Seo Eun. So what if you're pretty? You're thirsty. Thirsty for love. Oh wait, I mean dick. "

"Let me tell you, little girl. Once I give Jimin a blowjob, he'll dump you immediately. "

I think my blood pressure just exploded.

I cried. Yes, I never been hurt like this so much! I raised my hand up, ready to slap her hard, but she grabbed my wrist before my palm can land on her face.

Seo Eun is totally different from Soo Young.

She's evil.

"Jimin is mine. You better back off. " Seo Eun hissed.


"What?! You mean she insulted you like that?! "

"Yes. "

"Did you tell Jimin about this? "

"No, even if I tell him he wouldn't believe me. "

"Mwoh?! What kind of boyfriend he is?! "

"Seriously, Hani. Stop shouting, my eardrums are about to explode. "

"Mianhae, ㅋㅋㅋ~ Oh, I arrived at Seoul this morning. "

"Jinjja?! Where is your house? I'll go and find you now! "

"Meh, we'll meet tomorrow. I'm so exhausted, need some sleep now. Bye ~~ "

"Aww okay, see you tomorrow then. Bye Hani! "

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