Beach Trip Day 2

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"Rise and shine, you lazy bums! " I yelled, opening the blinds.

"What time is it... " Nam Joon asked in his morning voice.

"6 A.M. ! "
"Turn off the lights, eomma. " Taehyung moaned, "Five more minutes. "

"Pull me up. " Jimin whined, kicking his feet in the air while stretching his arms, "Please ~ "

I rolls my eyes playfully, pulling him up and his body knocked mine, "Yah! " I hit him in the chest.

"Morning beautiful. " he whispered, pecking my lips.
"Gross, you stink! Go brush your teeth! " I said, pushing him.

"Hey.. " Nam Joon's voice trailed off, "Can I ask you something? "
"Yeah. " I said, sitting beside him on his bed.

"So... You and Jimin. Um, you guys are officially dating? "
I bit my lips, nodding.
"Oh. Congratulations. "

I know, there are no sincerity in Nam Joon's voice.
"Sorry, Nam Joon. "
"It's okay. " he sighed, standing up and went into the other bathroom.

I shook my head, sighing. "Sorry Kim Nam Joon. "


"So... You're a thing now? " Jin asked, pointing at our linked hands.
I smiled, "Yeah. "
"Congratulations, sis. " Jin hugged me but Jimin shoved him away, clinging on me like a koala bear.

"No! She's mine! " he pouted, kissing my cheek.
"Stop the PDA, or else I'm gonna take this fork and stab your mouth. " Suga faked a vomit sound and continue eating his breakfast.

"Hey, where's Nam Joon hyung? And Taehyung hyung? " Jungkook asked.
"Uh, Taehyung is still sleeping. Nam Joon... I don't know where did he go. " I answered.

"I'll go and find him. " Jin said, standing up from his seat.


I stood on the beach, letting the waves splash on my feet. Sighing, I watched the bright sun, with my shades on.

"My life is such a failure. " I said to myself.

"I finally found you. " Jin said, patting my back and let out a sigh.

"What are you doing here, bro? "
"Nothing. Just sunbathing. " I answered bluntly.

"Are you okay? " Jin asked.
"Nope. "
"You need to let her go, Nam Joon. "

"I can't, Jin. She reminded me of Cheryl. "
"After all these years, you still can't forget about Cheryl? "
I shook my head, "Not only their face looks alike. Their personality, voice... I don't know, I just can't help but fell in love with (Y/N). "

Ask me who's Cheryl? Cheryl is my ex-girlfriend. We met each other in America, when I was an exchange student from Korea.

I went America for about 1 year because of the school's exchange student program. The teacher picked me because I'm good in English.

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