Lunch Time / Meeting Jungkook

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The recess bell rang.

Jimin, that flirt, forced me to the cafeteria even though I didn't want to go. But he's grabbing my arm and tugging it.

Dragging me to the cafeteria, the girls, or should I call, "fans"? They were following us. We found an empty seat.

Jimin waved at a nerdy guy, "Hey, can you help me to reserve this table first? "
"S-Sure. " the nerd answered.

"Kaja! " Jimin said, pulling me to the food section. After paying for the food, me and Jimin went to the table and set down our trays.

"Thanks a lot. " Jimin thanked to that nerd and handed him a carton of milk. The nerd gladly accepted it and skipped off.

"Is he gay? " I asked.
"Can I say yes? " Jimin answered.

Soon, the cafeteria is packed with students.
"Hey! Over here! " Jimin waved at Nam Joon and the others.

"Wow, you sure run fast with those short legs. " Suga scoffed.
"Yeah! You're the first one who ran out from the class with (Y/N) when the bell rings. " Jin stated.

"(Y/N)? "
"Yes? " I lifted my head up.
"This is for you. " Nam Joon gave you a tin of coffee.

"Ah, you don't have to- "
"Just take it. " he said.

"Oooohh ~ Seems like Nam Joon had a crush on someone ~ " V teased. Nam Joon glared at him and continue eating his food.

"Hey hyung! "

"Oh, hey, Jung Kook. Come, sit with us. " Hobi said, patting an empty seat beside him.

"Who's this handsome guy? "

"Today at class, Mrs. Goh - Wait, who's she? " Jung Kook raised his eyebrows, staring ar me.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce her! She's my girlfriend! " Jimin slung his arm over my shoulder and kissed my cheek, making everyone gasp including me.

"Yah! " Nam Joon was the first one who shouted.
"What the fuck did you do?! " Hobi, the innocent one also spilled vulgarities.

"Why did you kiss her?! Oh gosh, poor (Y/N). " Jin pulled me away from Jimin and wiped the spot where Jimin kissed just now.

"Can I get a kiss too? " V asked Jimin.
"Shut up. " Jung Kook rolled his eyes.
"Yah yah yah, respect your hyung! " V hissed.

"Where's Suga? " you asked, trying to change the topic.
"Him? He's probably sleeping. "
"Still sleeping? "

"Mmhmm.. " Nam Joon answered.

"So... You're a new student? " Jung Kook asked. You nodded shyly. He smiled and shook hands with you, "You're so beautiful, noona. "

"T-Thanks, Jung Kook. Wait, noona? "
"Jung Kook's a year younger than us. " Hobi said.

"Ah... "
"But I can be your oppa if you want ~ " Jung Kook teased.

"Another flirt like Jimin. "

Dear readers, I'll update a chapter a day ❤

Because a chapter a day keeps the doctor away XD

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