Friends again?

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Me and Nam Joon reported to the teacher on that incident where Mark trying to rape me. Our school had take action on him, by sending him back to his old school in America.

I heard he's expelled now. Hmm, how great.

"Morning. "

A familiar voice rang in my head. I spun around, Jimin is standing behind me. I had been trying to come to school not so early, just to avoid him.

"Morning. "

Oookay, the air is tense. Awkward silence. Where are the other students?! Are they still sleeping in their bed? What should I do?!

Ah, maybe I should just walk out from class and take a walk around the school! I got up from my chair, heading towards the door.

"Where are you going? "

"Damn! " I yelled in my mind.

"The... Washroom? " I answered.

"Hey, can you stay for a minute? I need to make things clear. "

"Make it quick. " I said.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I don't know how many times I should tell you I'm sorry for what I did, but... I hope we're still friends. "

"Jimin-ah, maybe we aren't fated to be together. Maybe we should just be friends. "

Jimin nodded, "But I will wait for you no matter what. "

Friends? No, I don't want to be friends with him. Hey, how can you be friends again after breaking up? But I can't just hurt his heart.

"So, since we're friends again... Why don't I treat you your favourite drink? " Jimin asked, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Sure. " I said.

"Let's go to the vending machine. " Jimin dragged me out from the classroom.


"Mwoh?! You're friends again?! " Nam Joon shouted.

"Are you trying to make the whole world to know I'm friends again with Jimin? " I asked sarcastically.

"No. "
"So stop shouting. "

"Okay, I'm sorry. But, why do you still want to be friends with him? Isn't it awkward? " he asked.

"Duh. But I can't reject him. It'll hurt his feelings. " I said.

"Girl, you sure are 'warmhearted'. Pfftt. " Nam Joon rolled his eyes, folding his arms, "But Jimin still likes you right? "

I nodded.

"Come to me if he ever tries to hurt you or touch you. I'll give him a lesson. " he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh really? Are you sure you know how to fight with someone? " I scoffed.
"Hey, don't underestimate me! I can crush his bones. "

"Yeah righ, like I believed you. " I laughed.

"Yah, you brat. I'm defending for you now! " Nam Joon snapped, flicking my forehead, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Kim Nam Joon - God of Destruction. "

"What a silly nickname. " I said.

As Nam Joon sat down on his chair, the chair breaks. I gasped, covering my mouth, forcing myself not to laugh at this poor guy.

"Wow, I think the one who gave you that nickname is right. You're really the God of Destruction. "

School Life With BTS [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now