No Littering and No Smoking

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When I woke up from my nap, I realized that Bryan and Michael were gone. But they had left their mess on the coffee table. As much as I wanted to ignore it because by cleaning it up I didn't want them to start thinking I was their little house maid, I was too OCD about cleanliness to leave it. Every time I would walk by it would just irk me. Bryan and I are going to have a nice long talk when he gets back!

However... I waited around all evening until it started getting late and Bryan never came home. I even called his phone and he didn't answer which was so unlike him so I could only imagine what kind of trouble Michael was getting them into. Once time started cutting into my bedtime, I had to go upstairs and turn in. Right now I'm doing an 8-5 secretarial position at a law firm. The job worked my patience enough; I didn't need to go in tired.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm. I laid there for a moment and could hear the TV downstairs in the living room turned on. So they had come back safe... I got out of bed and picked out a pair of black dress pants and a bright red blazer. I dashed across the hall to my bathroom and did my morning routine, got dressed, and smoothed my hair back into a tight little bun.

I sprayed a few squirts of my favorite sweet smelling perfume. A squirt or two was all it took and you'd be smelling sweet all day that's why this brand was my favorite. Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I headed back to my room to pick out a pair of heels to go with my outfit and then walked downstairs. I peered around the stairway wall expecting to see a body sprawled out on my couch, instead it was empty but there was a pillow and blanket indicating that someone had been there at some time, plus the TV was on. I creeped into the kitchen feeling like a damn fool that I had to sneak around in my own house... It was empty too. I quickly grabbed my morning yogurt cup before heading out.

"Hey, Chivonn!" A familiar soft voice sang out surprising the hell out of me. You know how you get like twice as scared when you're sneaking around trying to be unnoticed...

"Jesus, you scared the shit out of me!" I turned to see Michael sitting on the ground next to the front door smoking a cigarette.

"Nah, it's just Michael, baby girl. I couldn't be farther from Jesus..." He smiled up at me from the spot he sat in. The way the bright rays from the sunrise landed on his face, lit that smile up even more. It creeped me out how good looking he was versus his attitude.

"What are you doing up so early?" He was wearing my brother's royal blue and orange striped polo shirt that was much too big for him, and a pair of my brother's jeans which I'm sure would hit the ground once he stood up.

"Body's stuck on that prison time, I guess... Wakin' up at six every morning." He stood up and stretched before flicking his cigarette butt into the small patch of grass in front of our unit. "Hey, wanna give me a ride to the QT up the street? I'll fill your tank up and buy you a coffee." He grinned.

Full tank of gas and a free cup of coffee? If this was his way of apologizing, I'd take it. I nodded and he followed behind me to my car. He indeed had to keep a hold of those jeans to keep them from falling down around his ankles, it was pretty hilarious. Wait a second... where did he get money?

"Nice ride." He said as we sat down in my little black car. It wasn't really anything spectacular, but it looked nice because I kept it so clean. It even still smelled new in here.

"Thanks." I said as I took off up the street. The QT wasn't far so there was no need for conversation. I pulled up to the gas pump and Michael jumped right out of the car and hurried over to the pump. I rolled down my window and leaned my head out watching him pump my gas.

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