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I couldn't lie to Mrs. Kasper. As much as I thought Michael probably would have expected me to, I couldn't do it. I just hoped he was there hanging out with his mother looking like a good son when she went to find him. And I hoped he wouldn't be too mad at me...

Bryan strolled casually out of his bedroom as he heard the door closing and me saying goodbye.

"Who was that?" he asked sitting back down on the couch and opening another beer.

"Michael's PO."

"Aw, he in trouble." He said leaning back into the couch and looking up at the TV, eyes half lidded.

"Dude... you're in trouble! How can you just... live like this knowing that everything around you is falling apart! Have you even tried to talk to Terrika at all?!" I missed Davea and Darrius probably just as much as Bryan did and I almost had in me to track the girl down myself!

"She said if I keep callin' her she finna call the police... harassment..." He was speaking so slow. So that's why he hid away from our company...

"Are you high right now?!" I sat down on the couch, taking the couch pillow from behind me and throwing it at him almost knocking the beer from his hand.

"Damn, sis... you act like you ain't never seen me high before... Chill out, yo. I'm dealin' with a lot of shit right now so just let me be, a'ight." He pulled his brows together in annoyance as he sat his beer down on the coffee table.

I moved from the couch and headed upstairs to my bedroom away from all the drama. My instinct was to call Risa but... We hadn't been that close lately ever since the fight between her and Michael broke out at the club on our double date. I knew she wasn't trying to hear me complain about Michael... I wished I hadn't completely detached myself from the rest of our little clique... Risa was seriously like my only friend that I could call up and talk for hours with.

I immersed myself in my job hunt for a few hours tweaking my resume to fit each job description that I applied for. I'm going to have to start making more money even if I have to work two jobs because it's pretty apparent that I'm about to be on my own...

At about four in the afternoon my phone rang and I picked it up quickly knowing it was probably Michael and it was.


"Baby, why the fuck did you send Kim over here? You couldn't have just told her I was out for a min?" He sounded so agitated the he had me ready to get just as mad.

I sighed loudly. "Don't put me in a position where I have to lie for you."

"I'm your fuckin' man! You should be ready to lie for me, die for me, do whatever for me, girl!" I couldn't believe how dead serious he sounded right now.

"Well, are you in trouble?" I moved from my computer desk and dropped down on my bed.

"I coulda been. Ya damn lucky it was just me and moms sittin' here watching TV when she came by. You can't even fuckin' call a nigga and let him know you just gonna let her come by here and sneak up on me. What if I had been smokin' a joint with my brothers? Yo ass must want me to be locked back up!" he yelled. I held my phone out for a minute giving it a dirty look. Is he out of his damn mind?

"Who do you think you're talking to? Why are you acting like this? I was really starting to be proud of you... I thought you had come so far..."

"Baby, I'm always gonna be who I'm gonna be, a'ight. I'm doin' the best I can. I got a job, I'm finna do this record deal thing... It's. Gonna. Work. Out. So stop trippin'. But I'm always gonna be a Jackson and this nigga here don't let anyone threaten his family. Stop bein' so fuckin' judgmental about every mothafuckin' thing I do. And don't you eva do some shady shit like that again."

The Roommate from Hell (Michael Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now