The Choices We Make

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Before I could get enough nerve to go downstairs and approach Michael, Bryan came home.

"Chev!? You finna eat this plate?!" he called up the stairs probably referring to the plate Michael pushed away from me that I'd left on the table.

"No, go ahead!" I yelled back. I was still sitting outside my bedroom door. I had played both songs three times each. I went back in my room and gathered some pajamas before taking a shower. I stay in there for the longest time before finally coming out and heading downstairs to get something to eat. Michael was sitting on the couch with his feet up on our coffee table along with three empty beer bottles. I flinched as I heard his voice, but then relaxed when I realized he was talking to someone on Bryan's phone.

"Yeah, well I got two originals and then I can do some covers." He said. "Uh huh... sounds good." I hurried passed him and tried not to eavesdrop any further. I went to the kitchen and fixed another plate of leftovers and heated it up in the microwave. I stared at the plate spinning around slowly inside in a trance as Michael's music stayed replaying in my mind. I heard Bryan cross the hall and enter the downstairs bathroom. He'd be in the shower for a while, that would give me time to talk to Michael for a minute. When my food was done, I broke my own house rules and carried my plate into the living room. Michael was just hanging up the phone as I walked into the room. He glanced up at me and smiled shyly.

"Can I sit with you for a minute?" I asked. Then it occurred to me that I was in my own damn house, of course I could sit here. Michael was obviously thinking the same thing as he answered.

"Yo house, yo rules."

I rolled my eyes as I sat next to him, holding my plate in my lap. For once, he was quiet with nothing to say.

"Michael I have to say that..."

"Shh! I don't wanna hear it. You'll get me all embarrassed and shit."

"But you're really...!"

"Aaahhh....." he said cutting me off.


And he blushed.

I laughed and looked down at my plate as I took a bite of the barbequed chicken. Michael rubbed both hands down his face and looked away.

"You think so, though?"

"Yeah!" I answered with my mouth full. He just laughed at me. He reached over and pulled a piece of chicken off my plate with his bare hands. I was a little disturbed not knowing where they'd been all day and how often he'd washed them. He then grabbed a green bean with his bare fingers and ate it too. Before I knew it I was sharing my whole plate with him like a puppy.

"I'm sorry, Chivonn... You right about me... I ain't been doin the shit I need to in order to change for the better."

My eyes widened at his confession.

"But I'm finna get my shit together. Tony's got a gig planned for me not this weekend but the next coming one. Three hundred dollar and he said some contest is goin' on that night too so I might get recognized by somebody important." He grinned at me as he took another bite of my chicken.

"Can I go with you?"

"I was hopin' you'd say that. I kinda need a ride." Bum ass. He laughed a little bit as if he read my mind. My plate got empty really quick and I put it down on the coffee table. "We coo?" he asked nudging me with his elbow.

"Yeah... for now. But you need to get your anger in check. I won't keep forgiving you for disrespecting me like that."

"I know, Chivonn..." he said lowering his head. He looked genuinely ashamed so I let it be.

The Roommate from Hell (Michael Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now