Jealous Feelings

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"Nigga, chill." Bryan said watchin' me as I clenched my fist tightly. I wanted to slap his plate across the table and watch it shatter against the cabinets. "I told you it ain't finna happen with my sister I don't know why yo ass steady tryin' it."

I slammed my fist down on the table. "Bryan, what the fuck man?! If I'm such a bad person why the hell is you even lettin' me stay here!?"

"What you mean 'the fuck man'? I know you ain't a bad person, but you ain't been makin' the best of choices lately, and I'm gettin' real tired of yo attitude." He stood up and the chair scooted loudly against the floor as the backs of his legs pushed it back. I stood up the same and we was right in each other's faces breathin' hard. I didn't want to say nothin' I'd regret so I stayed quiet as I stared him down.

He paused for a while before speaking. "I heard she bought you dat phone." He reached out attempting to slap it out of my hand, but I had a firm grip on it. "You already usin' her like you do every girl you get... and you supposed to have changed, nigga?"

"I'm finna pay her back for the phone with the money I make from the show, nigga! That was the deal! I ain't usin' her. I'd never use Chivonn like that..."

"Right... And you ain't come home last night had her lookin' all sad, depressed and shit. I ain't bout to keep lettin' this kind of bullshit ride. It'd be one thing if I could tell my sis was truly happy, but you ain't making her happy you about to fuck up her life like you did all yo otha females and nigga it stops here."

A wave of emotion hit me, but I kept it inside. This nigga's finna make me break down! Makin' me feel like such a low life... " I don't wanna ever hurt Chivonn... I've always thought the world of her... Fuck, I'd never admit it because I was too fuckin' cool to like yo lil sister, but seein' her for the first time in so many years... I ain't been able to shake this feelin', a'ight?! She might just be the motivation I need to really get my life in order!"

"You ain't finna use my sister as no steppin' stone to get yo life right. You man up and get yo life together first and THEN just maybe you can start tryin'. Oh and speakin' of gettin' your life right you need to get those drugs up outta my room. I don't care what you do with that shit, but it ain't finna be on my hands. Best get it off yours."

I backed away from him.

"You heard me, brotha?"

"Yeah... man, I heard you..."


I laid my head against the wall of the stairwell with a smile on my face. I was sitting on the steps listening to my brother and Michael argue. He had always thought the world of me... My smile faded as I heard Bryan say something about getting rid of some drugs. Michael had been storing drugs in our house?! He's the only man in the world I've ever wanted to kiss and punch in the face at the same time. I hurried back upstairs before I could get caught eavesdropping. Before I closed my door I heard Bryan say. "I'm bout to head over to Keke's place for a minute, don't be tryin' nothin stupid while I'm not around."

I just shook my head... I get Bryan though. Our dad hasn't been around much so he felt like it was his job protecting me like this. I hung out in my room alone for a while before I finally got the energy to get up and go grocery shopping like I needed to. I'm not the kind of girl that has to get super dressed to go to the store. I put on some black stretch pants and a sweater, tied my hair in a curly bun on top of my head and went downstairs. I sent a quick look around the house for Michael. As much as I wanted to find him, jump his ass, and make him get rid of whatever drugs he had here NOW, I didn't want to fight with him and have to face his temper. I'd put faith in him that he'd do the right thing...

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