The Jealous Third Wheel

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It was finally Friday and I'd survived the week with our new roommate. Partially because the last two days he was barely here and partially because Bryan was right, despite his manners he was decent person or so it seemed. Some shady lookin' dude in a rundown old Cadillac had been picking him up every evening just about right after the time I got off work. The guy tried to make a cat call at me and I thought Michael was literally going to rip his tongue out. He was protective over me and serious about it. I guess that was natural to be that way to your best friend's kid sister though... But to be quite honest, I was starting to feel even safer with him around. Between him and Bryan, no one could touch me.

On the other hand, he never failed to leave a mess on the coffee table or dirty dishes in the sink... and now that he had more clothes of his own I swear that dude must change outfits morning noon and night... I kept finding his dirty clothes all over the place. When our paths did cross I'd remind him to pick up after himself and he'd just smile. Like he knew he was too cute and that smile would be the answer to all his problems...

His body had seemed to adjust to sleeping in. He would now be passed out on the couch as I was leaving for work and sadly enough I kind of missed him being awake to see me off those few days that he did that... so our paths only crossed in the evenings when I got off work.

Sean and I hadn't been out again, but he made it a point to come visit me in my fishbowl several times a day and make conversation. Conversation with him didn't come as naturally as it did with someone like Michael for example... I'm not a dumb girl, but Sean used all these big words and talked about topics that I couldn't dream of caring about like what's going on in the stock market. I wish I was a part of that world though... To be a sophisticated business woman, that was my goal in life and where I wanted to be and I could learn a lot from him. For the first time, he invited me out to his home on the lake to take me out on his boat for an evening cruise.

I was nervous as hell and to be honest, I wasn't sure I really wanted to go... I wouldn't know how to act at a rumored two million dollar home on an expensive boat. I can't even tell you when the last time I'd been on a boat! What if I got seasick!?

"What's on yo mind, girl?" Michael boldly strolled right into my bedroom's open door and sat down on my bed next to me pulling me out of my thinking zone. I was seated on my bed clutching my pillow tightly I was so deep in thought. He had on a fitted red T-shirt with Che Guevara's face on it in black and a pair of nice black jeans that fit him well. I noticed a pair of brand new red tennis shoes on his feet that did not look very cheap at all. Every time I'd ask him where he got money he came back with a smart ass sarcastic response.

His hair was down and his curls looked extra shiny today and he smelled like...

"Oh my God?! Did you use my hair products?! Michael that shit is not cheap!" From the scent I could tell it was from the tiny bottle of a silk infusion restorative oil that cost me about $30. I went from zen mode to angry black woman mode in seconds.

"I'll replace it..." he said rolling his eyes.

"That's not the principle! Don't just go up in my personal space and use my shit like it's yours! Ugh! You're leaving this weekend, right? I can't wait." I went to stand up and storm out of the room into my bathroom to see what else he messed with in there when he grabbed my wrist. I glared back at him and what did he do? Just smiled as he pulled me closer to him so that I was standing in the space between his wide open legs. I was beginning to feel a gravitational pull between us, but I resisted keeping my feet planted firmly in the carpet.

"I ain't come in here to fight witchu, girl... I came in here to ask you somethin'." He spoke really softly and looked up at me with those eyes.


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