The Gossip Girl

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As if the high class people around here didn't already think of me as below them, I had to approach one of my coworkers in the break room and ask to borrow her cell phone. I needed to call Risa. I went out to my car on my lunch break and called her right away. She could get me out of this, I know she could!

"Girl this better be an emergency, I'm swamped right now."

"Sorry, I thought you'd be on lunch... uh... I've got a major problem..." I spilled my guts in a 30 second short version of the long story of how things have been happening with Michael and Sean at the same time and how I'm booked to go on the same exact date with both of them at the same time. Michael is adorable, amazingly talented and he does make me feel some type of way, if I'd let myself admit it... but Sean was insanely sexy. I mean that manly, beastly kind of sexy! The lust was there, that's for sure. He might be a little arrogant, but he deserves to be.

With Michael, things were risky but still exciting. On our date he took me to a place I never would have gone, and I did things that I never do; like taking that double shot of patron that almost put me on the floor and had me grinding on the dance floor amongst the pool of ratchedness. But again if I was honest... I had fun! It was exciting! With Sean I knew that things would always be stable. He could get a job with any firm because he was a well-recognized lawyer around here. We'd always be financially secure and I didn't have to worry about him fucking up somehow and landing himself in prison. With Michael I worry on the daily about him slipping back into his old ways and getting locked back up.

There was a long pause and then she went off. "Girl! I'm silenced right now."

Yet she was speaking. And let me tell you this girl could really talk. I prepared myself for an ear full.

"How could you even compare those two?!! There is no comparison! The obvious choice is Sean! Michael is a dog!! And he most likely has fleas!! He's not a good person, Chevy. Talk to my sister Andrea she will tell you things about him that will make you sick! She said he invited her to his apartment once, when he actually had a place of his own before he got EVICTED for numerous occasions of peace disturbance..." she paused like she forgot where she was going with the story. This girl sometimes...

"Oh! Anyways and she found a notebook full of all the girls' names he's boned and tally marks by how many times he's done them. Jessica Fox was on that list with five tally marks by her name! Drea was dumb enough to stick with him thinkin' she'd be the one to change know my theory: men never change... and found out she wasn't even his real girlfriend he had a woman he'd been with for two years prior...who is also a slut, ends up pregnant with someone other dudes baby and kills it before Michael can find out...and them boom he ends up in prison. GET away from him, Chivonn and fast. Girl if you strugglin' that hard you can come live with me. You don't gotta stay there with your brother and his wack ass friends. Part of your problem is that you spendin' too much time around him that's when people start to grow on you. And youcannot let Michael Jackson grow on you." She took a deep breath. She spilled out that whole story barely taking a breath.

Jessica was one of our old friends in high school. All the boys wanted her and she thought it was funny gettin' around back then... Until her "number" ended up in the one hundreds and her vagina as wide as a hallway... Now she was just a joke.

I started to wish I'd never called Risa. My stomach turned in a weird way... Before I could say anything she kept on with her story.

"And he still owes her $250 for a bail she paid when his ass got pulled over for running a stop sign. Dumb ass was driving with no license and had a warrant out for his arrest for not paying a fine for previously being ticketed for driving with no license. I don't even think he can get a license now ever! This is not the kind of man you want in your life, Chivonn. I'm not playin', but look... I gotta go. Dinner at my place tonight eight o'clock SHARP." That made me think about the cell phone he owed me, but would probably never pay me back.

The Roommate from Hell (Michael Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now