The File

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Chivonn came home from work at her usual time and I attacked her at the door in my usual way only now that she was all mines, I ain't have to stop. After makin' out with her at the door for five minutes, I carried her up the steps bridal style accidently banging her head against the wall.

"Ow!" she said holding the corner of her forehead that had contacted the wall.

"Sorry, big head." Big Head was what I called her when we were little kids. All them curls all over her head made it look big, that's why. I got her safely up into her room and threw her body down on the bed, crawling on top of her. Damn... I been achin' for this pussy all afternoon. I hiked her skirt up and slipped her panty hose down just far enough so they weren't in my way, got rid of my pants and dove right in. She wasn't very wet at first, but after a few pumps she slickened up for me some. We on limited time here ain't no room for foreplay. I at least made her cum before I did and then I rolled off her, pulling my pants back up and flippin' on her TV. I ain't a real romantic, brotha when it comes to sex. I mean, given the right atmosphere I can put more effort into it, but... on average I like to get in there, get off, and get out.

I let her cuddle me for a while we watched a little TV and then I went downstairs to wait for Bryan to get home. I ain't been a good best friend to him lately and in his time of need too, I'd been so wrapped up in Chivonn. He came through at his usual time and I sat down at the kitchen table with him tryin' to be supportive.

"You coo, nigga?" I asked him tryin' my hardest to show some compassion and all that shit.

"Nah... I don't know man... I mean... I guess it's coo. Keke and I are finna make things work." He said sulkin' over his plate of leftovers.

"Dat's good, I guess... but man... I know she got yo baby and all, but if you ain't happy wit her don't just try to stay for the kid. Shit usually ends up worse that way."

Bryan just nodded at my advice and played around in his food.

"You heard from Terrika at all? For real man, you got rights you ain't gotta just settle this shit." I said. Bryan sighed heavily.

"I ain't got no money for a lawyer and all that shit."

"Look into it, nigga it may not cost you that much. You could qualify for Legal aid grants and other shit like that. If you ain't makin' an effort to get custody, that's just showin' her that you ain't serious about seein' your kids. If it was me in yo shoes, nigga... There ain't no way I'd let a bitch keep me from my children. She'd be feelin' the heat for damn sure."

Bryan chuckled knowing exactly what I meant. Nobody fucks we me and mines.

"You right... thanks man."

"You don't need to thank me. As many times as you sat in that prison room with me listenin' to me boo hoo and go on about my fucked up life... I owe you. You closer to me than my own blood brothas are." I said. Chivonn came down stairs and attempted to walk into the kitchen.

"Get out! We havin' a bro moment." I turned to her with a grin. She rolled her eyes at me and continued towards the refrigerator. I done got her high off my sex and now she's comin' down with the munchies. I watched her with a smile on my face and then I realized that Bryan was looking at me like I'm stupid. I cleared my throat and turned my eyes to the table.

"You workin' Saturday, nigga?" he asked me and I groaned in disgust before he even finished the sentence. "I'll take that as a yeah... you wanna hit the club after? I need to unwind for real this past week has been a trip."

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