Dodging Bullets

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Tuesday October 8, 2013


I spent the rest of my work day on pins and needles not knowing what was going on with Michael. He hadn't sent another text or responded to any of mine so and that had me thinking that maybe he was already being sent off to jail... I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to will away the stress headache that was beginning to form.

I heard a light tap on the glass door and saw Sean poke his head in. "Everything alright, Chivonn?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah... yes, I'm fine." I couldn't have sounded any more unconvincing if I had tried... He sighed softly as he let himself in to my office.

"I've been watching you for the last couple of minutes... something's bothering you. Has he hurt you?" He walked up to my desk and sat down on the empty edge of it. I tried hard not to roll my eyes. I couldn't believe he was still holding his breath for a chance with me.

"No, Sean... You really shouldn't worry yourself about me. I'm fine and above all I'm happy." I said looking up at his concerned features. He continued to just stare at me as if he hadn't heard anything I just said. I sat up a little straighter, put my hair behind my ear and began to pretend to be working hard.

"He's been hanging out at a really suspicious place Chivonn... I've seen him. He's up to no good and he will eventually hurt you. I just hope it comforts you to know that I'll be here for you when he does." He scooted off my desk.

"Wait." I said before he left my office.

He turned to me slowly.

"How do you know that? Are you stalking him?"

He shook his head and chuckled a little. "Chivonn, you're beautiful, smart, ambitious... all of the things I could have asked for in a woman, but I'm not that desperate. I was meeting with a client who lives in that area and I happened to see Michael entering Tito Jackson's apartment. I could pull his records too if you'd like..."

"That's his brother." I said defensively.

"Well his brother is running a dangerous operation over there. If Michael is in anyway involved, it won't be long until he's back where he belongs. Prison." He said before leaving my office. My cheeks felt hot with anger. He was just trying to give me more reasons to doubt Michael... and I hated that I was letting them get to me.

Right at five o'clock as I was getting off work. My phone vibrated.


Meet me at my moms

Ok... so he wasn't in jail. I hurried to my car and started towards the other side of town. Just as I was 'crossing the border', my phone rang this time. It was Bryan calling asking me if I could pick the kids up from mom's house because Terrika still hadn't turned up. Mom had kept the children all day while he was at work.

I dialed my mom's number as I cruised through the other side of town towards Michael's mom's house. I still couldn't get over how run down this place had gotten. There were so many abandoned buildings, the overcast had this place looking really depressing.

"Hey honey, are you on your way?" my mom answered.

"I have to make a stop first, do you think you can keep them until six?" I asked her as I tried to stay focused on the road.

I heard her sigh softly. "Yes, that's fine. What kind of stop?" I didn't expect to get anything past her my mother was so nosey.

"I'm dropping off some of Michael's things at his parents' house. He moved out, you know." I said straying far from the truth. The fact that I was now dating Michael wasn't something that I wanted to tell her over the phone.

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