It's Goin' Down

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Michael bolted out of the room into the bedroom he had been previously staying in.

"Stop him... please." Kathrine said knowing well what her son was about to do. "I'll watch these two." She said moving over to the couch where she could be closer to Darrius who was currently fascinated with one of the cats.

I nodded to her and rushed into the bedroom just in time to watch Michael pull that pistol he had from Terrell out of his closet.

"Michael... don't!" I started in, closing the door behind me. He snapped his eyes closed tightly and exhaled heavily. My heart raced at the sight of him with a gun in his hand.

"Chivonn... they shot my fuckin' brother... Somebody is finna pay for this!" He opened his eyes and pointed the gun out to the side like he was aiming it at someone. I could see the old Michael that I thought he'd left behind right there on the surface again.

"And then what's that going to solve? What you should be doing is rushing to the hospital! That's where you're needed the most! So come on, let's take your mother and go to Jackie. I'm sure Bryan's on his way home by now we can drop the kids..." He quickly interrupted my nervous ramblings.

"Nah... I ain't good in hospitals and I don't wanna see my brotha like that. Even if he don't make it, I ain't tryn'a let the last memory of him be seein' him layin' in a hospital bed all shot up." He moved towards the door and I blocked his path placing my hands on his chest. He snapped his eyes closed again, gritting his teeth. "Don't Chivonn..."

"You don't!" I cried shoving my hands against his chest.

"THEY SHOT MY FUCKIN' BROTHER!!!" He screamed at me, roughly shoving my hands away from him with his free hand. The bedroom door flew open and Janet rushed in.

"Toya's takin' mom to the hospital to see..." she stopped short when she saw the gun in her brother's hand. She looked like she had been crying. A pair of keys were jingling in her hand as if she had just rushed in from her car.

"Michael... I just got done dealin' with Tito... you guys wanna be next?! Am I going to have to lose three brothers in one day?!!" she yelled with fresh tears running down her cheeks.

"Dunk... you know how this works. Them niggas gon' pay. Nobody fucks with us Jacksons. You ain't losin' a brotha today. Jackie's gon' be fine!" he protested side stepping both Janet and I and walking out of the room. Janet and I both chased after him but stopped quickly when we entered the living room.

Joseph stood in the doorway. The man's presence sent a chill down my spine. I'm sure all of Michael's dirty deeds times twenty was standing in front of me right now. His eyes were on Michael and he waved a hand motioning for Michael to go with him.

"Michael don't! If you walk out that door..." I stopped, unable to speak with Joseph's menacing glare landed on my face.

Michael hesitated and looked back at me. "Michael!" Joseph yelled demanding his attention. "If you let this ho come between you and yo brotha... I'll kill you myself." Michael bowed his head and walked out of the house. Joseph slammed the door behind him without another word. Janet immediately fell apart and I held her in my arms. It was strange, we hadn't been close in years... but we embraced each other so tightly as if we were blood sisters.

"I've got to go catch Rebbie up to speed. She's got a bunch of kids at her house too." She said breaking away from my embrace. I nodded and went back to the living room to gather up my niece and nephew. By the time we got back to the house Bryan was home like I thought he would be. He was making a little bit more of an effort. He had two happy meals waiting for the kids when we walked into the kitchen.

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