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I called Michael back as soon as I got off work only to not reach him again. I'm even worse at leaving voicemails - unless they are professionally scripted - than he is, so I didn't bother to attempt leaving one.

I was sure he was probably on a plane anyway headed to New York.

I spent a few hours cleaning up the apartment before Bryan came home with his kids. Davea was walking now so as soon as he put them both down they both ran off in separate directions, reversing every bit of tidying up I had done.

I sat down on the couch with a sigh. I give up... Bryan plopped down next to me and grinned wide. "So guess who stopped by my job this morning."

I just looked at him.

His grin widened. "Guess!"

"Your best friend." I said looking away pretending to be indifferent as I said it.

"Yup! And look what he dropped off." He waved two plane tickets to New York in my face. I looked at the departure dates and saw that they were set for Thursday early morning. I looked back up at my brother's smiley face. I could tell that he was really excited about it. My heart was racing. To be honest there was no place I'd rather be on Halloween than right up front watching Michael's first big performance. But how would I get out of work? I really couldn't afford to be calling in during my first week of my brand new dream job.

"I...I can't go, Bryan. That's not enough time to give my job a notice."

"Oh come on, sis. Call in! Family emergency."

"I can't be pulling that kind of shit already. I just landed this job! I finally have the job of my dreams I can't go messing it up. Take Keke or Cynthia..." I stood up and Bryan stood up too.

"Don't do him like this... You know how happy it would make that nigga to see you there. This is huge for him!"

"I'm sure there will be more shows like this to come. I'll get a hold of him somehow and tell him I can't--

"It ain't gonna be no otha shows like this, Chivonn. His first. You need to be there. If your boss don't wanna understand then guaranteed there's gonna be otha jobs out there for you." Bryan said.

I sighed softly again and looked around. Bryan was right.

I had to be there.

Wednesday October 30th 2013


We arrived at our destination around one in the afternoon and went straight to rehearsal not even takin' a minute to see the city. But just at a glance New York City was more than I coulda ever thought it to be. We finished up rehearsals around nine and the rest of the crew was hyped - ready to hit the club scene, but I brushed them off like usual and stayed in the hotel alone. Bryan and my mom and sisters were due in early tomorrow morning anyways and I wasn't tryin'a be half dead greetin' them.

Them dance crew niggas had me pinned as some weird introvert cause I'm always ditchin' they plans but they just don't know me for real. The pre-Chivonn Michael would have been all over the city life out here and all up in about ten bitches tonight and probably woulda been so fucked up he couldn't even put on a damn show tomorrow.

That ain't me no more...

Now that I finally had a minute to myself without some nigga hangin' over my shoulder beggin' me to come out, I sat down on the bed and pulled my phone out. I had tried to call Chivonn three more times yesterday after missin' another one of her calls, but there was no answer.

The Roommate from Hell (Michael Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now