Phone Tag

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Tuesday October 22nd, 2013


Another piss test free visit with my PO, another successful day with the dance team, and to top it all off my momma was having a good day and cooked a bomb ass dinner that she had all wrapped up and heated up for me in the stove when I got home.

Life was good... or would have been if I didn't have half my heart missing... One week and a day since I'd broken up with Chivonn, and shit was gettin' harder for me by the day. I stalked her Facebook page on the regular and found out this morning that she got a new job. Hell yeah, no more Sean Milam, but I just knew there'd be more competition wherever she ended up. I wondered in the hype of her new job and shit if she was forgettin' about me... Call me Brian McKnight - singing 'Anytime' all day.

I wanted to pick up the phone and call her, but ain't really shit I can say. I can apologize all day, but it ain't gonna mean a damn thing to her. I cannot escape Joseph right now and there ain't shit to be done about it. Nothing's finna change overnight and I don't wanna keep fighting over the same shit day in and day out. Just yesterday in my session with Bruce we talked about possibly avoiding the situations that get me the most heated until I can come up with a rational way to resolve the conflict. Before I dive head first into an argument flyin' off at the mouth; I need to role play the conversations in my head first and come up with right things to say ahead of time and even the conversations I tried to play in my head between Chivonn and I ended badly.

I slide my thumb across the screen of my phone as I sifted through Chivonn's photos. I landed on the one I took of me and her in her car. Nigga in that picture was unrecognizable - cheesin' so hard... Goddamn look at that beautiful smile... I stared at Chivonn's smilin' face and mine next to hers. I closed my eyes and relived that moment for a minute. I could still hear her sexy laughter in my ear like it was happenin' right in that moment.

I opened my eyes again and tears rolled out. I can't fuckin' do this... My heart got that real heavy ass feelin' and more tears began to sting my eyes.

There was a knock at my door.

Fuck... perfect timin'... I thought sarcastically as I pulled the sheet up and wiped my eyes with it.

"Who is it?!" I demanded.

The door opened and Janet walked in. She shut it softly behind her and plopped down on my bed. It was almost midnight.

"What you want, Dunk? It's late and shit..." I said pretendin' to rub my eyes like I was tired, while secretly tryin' to wipe my tears away before she could see her big, pussy-ass brother in here cryin' like a damn bitch.

"Just checkin' on you. Mom's worried and stuff..." she said twiddling her fingers in her lap. She looked up at me a little hesitantly.

"I'm a'ight."

"Are you sure? You don't have any... murderous thoughts goin' on up in that applehead of yours?" she asked quietly.

"Nah... I'm above all that shit now... I could neva hurt Chivonn." Sayin' her name out loud hit my soul with another throb.

"That's good. I really like her. I know it'll all work out, Mike..."

"Yeah... it will." I said with a new confidence that wasn't there previously. Janet patted my knee through the dingy looking beige comforter that was over me.

"Ok... that was all. Love you."

"Love you too, sis. Thanks..." I said to the back of her as she walked to the door. She turned to me with a smile.

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