The Morning After

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Getting Michael to the hotel turned out to be the easiest part of the night... Getting him to cooperate once inside was a whole 'nother story. I stood in the small kitchen area of his suite watching him curl up on the hard floor.

"Get up, Michael. You need to get cleaned up."

"No." He buried his face into his arm like he intended to go to sleep there.

"Come on, you can't sleep there... You're gonna be in a lot of pain when you wake up anyway... Sleeping on this hard floor isn't going to help." I added squatting down beside him.

"The only pain I my heart, bitch... cause you fuckin' hurt me tonight, Chev..." His voice was muffled but I could still hear him clearly. I rolled my eyes and placed my hand on his shoulder rubbing it gently.

"Michael... I did not go to your show with Sean... he just showed up there. I told him you were the one I wanted. You don't have to worry about him anymore... I'm yours." I spoke softly to him like he was a small child.

"I saw him with you!! Why you lyin'?!" he lifted his head up and looked around dizzily until his eyes met with mine. "Why you lyin'?!"

"You know what, it doesn't even matter right now. Let's just get you cleaned up so you can go to bed." I linked my arm through his and pulled him up off the floor. "And don't ever get this drunk again."

"I'm not drunk! I'm mad!"

"You don't have a reason to be mad, Michael... Calm down." I kept my voice as soft and soothing as I could trying not to raise his temper. He stumbled with me into the bathroom and I turned on the shower head for him to the right temperature. I undressed him down to his boxers and then let him do the rest. I caught a glimpse of the side of his butt cheek as he slipped behind the curtain. I stayed in the bathroom just in case he slipped and fell in there. I listened to him fumble around in there for about ten minutes.

"Are you done?"

"Yeah." He answered softly. I blinded reached for the knobs and shut them both off quickly trying not to give him a blast of either too hot or too cold water in the process. I tossed a white towel over the top of the shower hoping he caught it. He stepped out with it wrapped around his waist. I grabbed another towel and helped him dry his hair and back. I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable and then noticed his eyes were right on mine.

"You feel better now?" I asked him, feeling incredibly awkward under his blank stare. I couldn't even begin to imagine what he was thinking about right now. Probably a bunch of jumbled drunken nonsense. But that stare, though... "Snap out of it, Jackson."

He dropped his towel and brought the hand that had been holding it to my face. "Why was you wit 'im, Chev? Why? Can't you see how crazy I am for you? I love you. How you gon' do me like that? When I fuckin' love you, girl!?"

"Shh... shhh.. shhh... You're not making any sense. Let's go get you dressed, baby." I said it again this time without even really meaning to. He finally caved and let me do what I had to do. I dressed him in the dark trying my hardest to avoid looking at his package. He was packin' alright, I did notice that. I pushed him towards the bed after putting on a pair of boxers and a T-shirt I found in his room on him and he moaned in delight as he sank into the bed. My phone had been beeping and ringing almost the entire time I'd been here so I finally answered it.


"Chica?! Where the fuck are you?! We about to leave!" Risa sounded livid.

"I'm really sorry... did you see what happened? I couldn't just walk away. I'm in Michael's hotel room now. I'll probably just cram in the car with him and my brother's friends tomorrow morning so go ahead and leave. I'm really sorry, girl..."

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