History of the Jacksons

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Monday October 14


I woke up on my momma's couch.

That's right.

The plan of sneakin' out late to hand off Joseph's delivery to CJ ain't work out the way I thought it was gonna... I put Chivonn to sleep with one of the best love making session I've performed thus far and when I was sure she was out cold, that's when I made my move.

Toya picked me up and took me to the warehouse where Joseph kept his 'goods.' He ain't had nothin' to say to me 'cept that I had two weeks to bring him his money. Couldn't even look me in the eye or nothin'. Two young, prolly under aged bitches up in there lit and half dressed...

I'm am so through with that life.

Through wit it.

Met up with CJ, let him know his life was on the line. Lil' known nark lets my name fall out his mouth... I got a headstone with his name on it. Also told him he needed to drop that nosey ass bitch Risa before she gets up in his business and starts runnin' her mouth.

Get home and the door is locked. I left it unlocked and forgot my key inside. I would have banged down the door until someone answered, but I didn't want to wake the babies. I hoped that maybe Bryan got up or somethin' and noticed the door was unlocked and unintentionally locked me out, but my inner feelings were tellin' me it was the worst I should be expecting.

Chivonn found out I snuck out and locked me out on purpose. I didn't blow up her phone or cuss her out or anything like the old Michael would. If she wanted to be bad, then fine. I'll explain shit to her when she calms down.


Now here I am sitting in front of Mr. Bruce... His eyes tore into me as he patiently waited for an answer to his question. They moved around my face and to my hands, readin' into every little move I made.

"What would you describe to be the lowest point in your life?"

Uh... I don't know... let me reach into my brain and flip through the eighteen hundred records of low points in my life and filter them down real quick...

I blew out a heavy sigh...

"My childhood, I guess... I mean my life's been on this steady low, until I got out of prison and my friend Bryan took me in. Then I met his sister, who is now my girlfriend and shit's been on the rise... you know... with a few fall backs here and there." I said quickly trying to bring the conversation back on the positives. But I guess this is anger management... I'm supposed to be lettin' out my negative energy.

Bruce just looked at me as if waiting for me to continue.

"My life ain't been no walk in the park. House full nine kids... My momma did her best to give each one of us an equal amount of love and attention, but that just wasn't enough for me. I acted out a lot... Father beat the shit out of me... He didn't like boys to cry. If I shed a tear, my ass was gettin' beat. And I don't just mean spank." I gave a little weak slap in the air to demonstrate.

"I mean beat! Switches, fly swatters, belts, broomsticks. Wasn't nothin' if he was drinkin' he'd throw a bottle at you."

"And how did that make you feel?" Bruce asked me and I just looked at him, my mouth dropped open a little. Is this nigga serious?!

"Mad as hell! Shit... But wasn't nothin' I could do about it. No one to talk to about it. Mother would just say 'Now, respect your father Michael and do what he says and you won't have any problems.' I mean she'd try to stand up to him sometimes too and he'd just..." my voice cracked a little as I tried hard to keep myself together as some of the worst memories surfaced. Seein' my mother getting thrown to the floor. Being out side of her room and hearing her cry herself to sleep at night. "...she'd get it too. And I hated watching her suffer. So I did my best to try and not piss him off. I kept the anger inside."

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