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Friday passed, no word from Chivonn. Saturday came and went, and no word from her. I did go to the club with Bryan and I tried to ask him about her but his lips was sealed. Not only that, but that nigga was drunk so fast there was no gettin' no sense out of him. All he wanted to do was boohoo about Terrika, Keke, and Cynthia... I drank a little, but I just couldn't get in the mood for it. Bryan hit the dance floor grindin' with some random ratchets and I was that dude standin' in the corner like...

A couple of girls tried to talk to me and get me to come dance with them, but I couldn't... The hardest part of that night was takin' Bryan home, helping him into bed, and then having to leave knowing that Chivonn was just right upstairs, but I couldn't go to her...

Having to go to work allowed me to at least not think about her for a little while, but today was Sunday and I didn't have to work. Not only that... we were supposed to be going out together tonight. Would she cancel on me and go with Risa alone? Would she find another date? It was killin' me not knowin' what kind of mindset she was in.

My mom knocked lightly on the bedroom door. I was layin' in Janet's old bed staring down at the tiny 22" TV Janet had left behind. "Come in." my voice was weak as shit from constantly cryin'. I'm a fuckin' mess... a real mess... I neva cry like this, but it was like all the emotions that I've bottled up for years are all coming out now. The dam was broken and I couldn't stop the water... I done cried myself sick! I coughed a couple of times and could feel the mucus rising in my throat.

My mother just held her heart and stared at me sadly as she walked into the room. "Oooh. I hate seein' my children like this..." she said sitting down on the bed next to me. I wiped a hand down my face clearing away some of the tears.

"I'm fine, ma..."

"Chivonn is a great girl. She was such a sweet, kind little thing growing up. I know she has it in her heart to forgive you. Just give her time, sweetheart. Relax and give her time. Take this time to build yourself up so you can continue to be strong for her when she does come around." She said reaching over and stroking my arm lightly.

"Thanks mama..." I whispered wiping my eyes as more tears poured out.

"I made you a grilled cheese just how you like it." That lifted my spirit instantly. Nobody could make a grilled cheese like my mom as simple as you think it could be. There was somethin' different bout hers. I followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the table with her.

"Let me make you some herbal tea that will kick that cold right out of your system." She stood up and began openin' and closin' cabinets mumbling about where she put that tea.

"I'm good, ma..."


I laid in bed late into Sunday morning. I could hear Bryan's hungover self stumbling around in the kitchen. It was almost noon and I just couldn't bring myself to get out of bed. The text message Michael sent to me was still on my mind as well as his FaceBook status. I wondered if he was even sober when he sent it... Did he mean what he said? Is he really in love with me? Do I really want him to be in love with me? I need to be sure this is right because I don't want to lead him on and hurt him...

I started to tell myself that Risa was right... I needed to stay away and all day yesterday I was doing a pretty good job convincing myself that I was going to leave him alone and be ok... But then I heard his voice downstairs as he helped Bryan's drunk ass into bed and I knew I then I could never fool myself...

I loved him too. Regardless what he's done... Regardless of what people have to say about him, I can't change what my heart wants.

A tear rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away with the back of my hand. This is stupid, just stupid... Why am I laying here crying? I already know what I want. I sat up in bed and picked up my phone. There were two text messages from Risa checking up on me and asking me if we were still on for tonight.

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