Not Another Tally Mark

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Working in this fishbowl made it impossible to avoid people at work. I still hadn't made up my mind about what I was going to do about the concert. Sean had tickets and seemed really excited to see this 'mystery performer' so chances are he'd be there regardless. Michael would be there regardless... I'm sure he had some girl he could get a hold of...Keisha... who would drop everything to take him.

Around lunch time, sure enough, Sean came through my glass door filling my office with his wonderful scent. "We still on for lunch today, Chivonn?" He smiled as he approached my desk and leaned on it casually.

"Oh actually I have to run and meet up with my friend, you know the one I was talking to on the phone the other day, she needs some more consoling." I said quickly with a smile on my face. He'd have to be an idiot to by that, but I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't keep faking this and I couldn't tell him the truth! Oh, there's some thug I'd rather be with than your... amazingly good looking, successful, charming... self... Things will be awkward around work. Shit, what if he goes as far as to get me fired because I don't want to date him?! I couldn't lose my job now.

"What's going on? This sounds pretty serious." Ok... maybe he is a bit dense. Or playing dense, I don't know. His brows were furrowed in genuine concern, though.

"She's got this boyfriend...well he's not really her boyfriend, but this guy she's sort of seeing... and he's into some really bad things. As much as she wants to cut things off and move on with her life, she can't shake the feeling that there might be something real there." I realized after I spoke that I sounded like I was describing my own feelings! Well... in reality I was.

"He's into some really bad things, such as?"

"Drugs and other things... I think he used to deal. He's done time, he actually just got out." I couldn't stop the word vomit. I was saying too much.

Sean's thick eyebrows raised high. "Well... if she's anything like you, she deserves better than that."

"That's what I'm trying to convince her... I just... need to spend some time with her." I said with a smile. He didn't seem too terribly disappointed and didn't question me about the concert. I was relieved at the moment, but knew I couldn't dance around the subject forever. He kept his distance only showing up for small talk around the office and sent me a few text messages here and there for the rest of the week.

Michael was MIA most of the rest of the week too except for thursday he talked me into getting a cellphone plan with him and not only did I have to pay for the 'cheap phone' he was going to get which wasn't that cheap I still had to pay $50, the dumb sales person at the store couldn't figure out how to swap the numbers, the whole process was taking forever and I just wanted to leave, so I couldn't keep my original phone number and now I had a new number while Michael had my old one. I texted Sean and Risa immediately letting them know that my number had changed to avoid any embarrassment Michael might cause me if they had texted him at my old number.

Friday evening I came home and Michael wasn't there. That night Risa and I finally got our girls night out at the club and I spent the night at her house and slept til noon that next Saturday. Don't think Michael didn't take advantage of owning a phone and my number. He texted me all through the night Friday and called me first thing Saturday morning to see when I was coming home. I think this was just his way of seeing if I was really with Risa or if I had stayed with Sean. When I came home Saturday afternoon, Michael was gone but Bryan and Terrika were there with the kids acting a little friendlier than usual. They were both sitting on the living room couch while Davea was crawling on the floor playing with a doll and Darius had two Ninja Turtle action figures in his hands as he made them fight each other.

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