Thinkin' Bout Missing You

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Wednesday October 9th, 2013


Michael didn't answer my text when I asked him how the meeting went so I had my hopes up that everything went well. My mom was texting me all day complaining about Bryan and having to watch his kids. I wanted to text her back 'Well what else do you do?.' She doesn't work at all anymore now that she's married to this barely existent architect. I'd only actually met my new stepfather one time and barely said a full sentence to him. Her concerns were more about keeping their house immaculate for when he did come home and she didn't want the children messing that up... Some grandmother...

I managed to avoid Sean all day and snuck out about five minutes early so I didn't have to run into him in the parking lot. My afternoon routine had an extra thirty minutes added to it now that I had to drive fifteen minutes over towards West County to the rich neighborhood my mother lived in to pick up the kids and then fifteen minutes back to our apartment. There was a black Audi A7 parked in Bryan's spot. I could tell by the nonexistent license plate that it was new. Did they give him a car?! I gawked at it for a while until I heard Darrius whine.

Davea fell asleep on the ride home and I picked her up out of her car seat and laid her over my shoulder as I walked inside with Darrius holding my other hand. I could totally do this mom thing...

I struggled getting the keys in the door with my clumsy left hand, I had put Davea on my right. Someone on the other end evidently heard my struggle and pulled the door open for me. I looked up and saw Michael's wide smile.

"Aye, baby. Let me take her." He held his hands out and I gently placed Davea's dead weight into his arms. Darrius ran to the corner of the room where a pile of his toys lay. I stopped short when I saw a light brown skinned woman seated at my couch. Her light brown hair was pulled up in a tight bun. At first all I could see was her pretty face, but from her business casual attire I assumed maybe she was his new PO or something. At least the house was clean. There were no beer bottles on the coffee table. She smiled a wide, yet tight smile and pulled at her skirt uncomfortably before standing up. She was a little wobbly on her high heels.

"Hello Ms. Rockwell. My name's Camilla. I'm Michael's new personal assistant. I'm just here to learn a little bit more about my client so that I can better serve his everyday needs." She sounded like a robot.

Michael looked at me with a smile and I could tell he was close to bursting into uncontrollable laughter. I did laugh a little and took the hand she extended. She had a weak handshake... "Wow... I guess that means he got the job?"

"Yeah... I start recording tomorrow. You like my new whip?" He his smile widened and he began to sway back and forth patting Davea on the back.

"I love it. Now if only you had a license to drive it..."

"Hyuk hyuk hyuk..." he laughed sarcastically, sounding just like Goofy and rolling his eyes up in his head.

"Until he gets the proper license, it's actually my car." Camilla batted her eyelashes at him. Michael batted his right back and looked at me. "And I believe it's time for me to go." She said picking up her clip board and holding it close to her chest as she headed to the open front door.

"Alright. You know what to do, right? Pick me up at eight thirty have a coffee and a pack of cigarettes in the car waitin' for me." Michael pointed at her with his free hand.

"Will do." She gave a nod and a quick smile before turning away to walk out the door.

"Will do, who?" Michael raised an eyebrow at the back of her head. I struggled to keep my mouth shut. He can't be getting this big of a head already. I'm not sure I can deal.

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