Cats out of the Bag

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"You know what sushi ain't half bad, though!" Michael yelled out as we walked through the parking lot to my car after a terribly awkward quiet rest of dinner. I just looked at him. He threw his arm around high around my shoulders and pulled me close to him kissing me before we walked to the separate sides of the car. Risa and CJ got into her car at the same time. It had been a while since I had been to the Lounge I wasn't quite sure where it was so I was going to follow her.

As soon as both of our car doors were shut, I sighed loudly. "Michael..."

"Don't start, girl... I told you before we even planned this date that I don't. Like. Risa." I watched him snap his eyes closed and turn towards the window. I pulled off after Risa did and followed at a close distance behind her car.

"Well Michael she's my best friend! You could have at least pretended for one night... for me!"

"I don't pretend to be shit for nobody, Chivonn. If I don't like a person, I don't like 'em. I'm ya boyfriend and you need to stop lettin' that bitch dog me all the damn time."

"I've told her to stop. She's just looking out for me, though... I mean you can't say you blame her after all you've..."

"Take me the fuck home." He interrupted waving his hand in dismissal like he wasn't trying to hear another word out of my mouth.

"Why are you being like this?!" It has hard concentrating on following Risa when all I wanted to do was pull the car over and smack Michael around. I don't understand how he can just flip the switch from that sweet, funny guy that I was cracking up with on the drive up here to this asshole I was sitting beside right now.

"Because no matter HOW MANY FUCKIN' TIMES I tell your ass to stop judgin' me off my past, you still continue to find ways to bring it up!" He beat his fist against armrest by the passenger window as he spoke. "Eitha you're willing to look past it all and stand behind me one hundred or you're not! This shit ain't finna work if you got one foot in it wit me and one foot in it with the haters talkin' shit against me." I could feel his eyes on me as I continued down the road.

I stayed quiet. He had a point... but still. He can't ask me to abandon my best friend for looking out for me.

"This ain't the way home..." Michael said after a few minutes of silence.


"I'm for real! Unless you ok with me blowin' up yo girl's spot because I'm sure as soon as that bitch gets some liquid courage she's gonna be talkin' more shit and I'm gonna lay out there exactly how it is. Bitch acts like her closets are clean... Ain't it funny how she so quick to 'protect' you from a dude like me when her ass only dates dudes from my hood. CJ ain't no fuckin' better. Yeah his record may be cleaner, but that's only cause he's a nark. One of these days karma is gonna claim that nigga and if she's standin' beside him it's gonna get her too. She needs to be worried about her own damn safety... steady trippin' off yours..." He grumbled that last part and rolled down my window leaning his arm out the open window. He dug around in his pocket for his cigarettes and lighter. "Fuck!! And that nigga stole my lighter!" He yelled out of the side of his mouth with a cigarette between his lips.

"You shouldn't smoke in my car anyway." I said rolling his window back up with the button on my side. He jumped and cursed pulling his arm back in the car before I closed it up in the window.

I felt his eyes on me again. I know I had a sour look on my face, but I couldn't force myself to make any other expression.

"Sorry, baby..." he reached over and placed his hand on my knee. "I'm an asshole..."

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