Getting Ahead of the Competition

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My brother Tito came and picked me up not too long after Chivonn left for work. I talked to him just the night before about movin' the rest of T's drugs. We went and sold $400 worth of the stuff and I left the rest on his hands. We split it in half and I had every intention of spending that $200 on Chivonn. Yeah... I know... I'm fuckin' up again.But I swear this is the last time...And I needed the money. Plus, Tito did like 99% of the job all I had to do was have his back. On the way back across town, Tito drove up by an old office building and I noticed a car that looked exactly like Chev's sitting outside. As we got closer, I could see part of the wording '...Law Firm' written on the door. Jackpot!

"Hey, just drop me off right here, brotha."

"What you need a lawyer for?!" he asked slamming on his breaks. I wasn't wearing my seatbelt and had to hold the side of the door to keep from flying forward in my seat. I turned to him with a 'nigga you so dumb' look.

"Chivonn works here." I glanced at the clock and it was 11:57AM. Three minutes til lunch time. Perfect! I could buy her lunch today before that otha nigga could try it.

"Aahh... yo creepin' ass."

"Ain't nothin' creepy about showin' up and taking a woman out to lunch!" I scoffed. Tito slowly pulled to the curb and I hopped out.

"Sure it ain't." he said. I was quiet. My nerves were actually getting to me a lil and that's how I knew that Chivonn was different. I ain't never been nervous to put game on a female before.

"Yo..." Tito paused for a moment and the look on his face made me think he was about to say some heartfelt shit. "Don't be a stranger, brotha, a'ight." I get it. My family missed me. My sisters were used to me being a pain in their ass and my brothas were used to me being the only one crazy enough to go through with half the shit we did. And I know my mom misses her 'good son.' But it was so damn easy to slip back into old habits being around my brothers again...

I grinned at him as I stood outside his car. "I'll be around. Hit me up."

He drove off and I headed towards the building.


Michael stood there in my little fishbowl wearing the same outfit he had worn on our very first date a couple weeks ago. The long sleeved plaid, black and grey shirt and black jeans. I noticed his pocket was looking a little thick and I could see the corner of a twenty dollar bill sticking out.

I didn't know whether to panic or what to do. He took a look around my office and spotted the flowers on my desk that Sean had given me not too long ago. They were a bit wilted but still alive. His eyes narrowed.

"Sean, get you those?" He took a step towards them and I stood up quickly not sure what he was going to do. I wouldn't put it past him to slap the glass vase off my desk and send it flying into the glass wall.

"Michael... what are you doing here? You can't just walk up into my job like this!" I said guarding my flowers protectively.

"Well, I just did, baby girl. Now where's this competition at? I'm dyin' to meet 'im." He reached over with a quick hand and plucked one of the petals of a flower and tossed it in my face. He wore a serious expression on his face that scared me a little.

"He's not in today. Michael you need to go. You're going to get me fired!"

He suddenly smiled and burst into a little giggling fit. "You scared, girl? I ain't finna act a fool on yo job... I came here to get you for lunch."

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