A Possessive Past

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Tito called me back and wanted to meet up at moms, which I thought was hella weird. We usually don't plot a murder under our mother's roof, but whatever. Sean has fucked with me enough and now he's turned Chivonn against me?! Fuck nah... this nigga will pay. I hopped on a bus to get across town.

When I walked into my mother's house, it was quiet. Tito, Jackie, Marlon, Janet, and mom were sitting in the living room like they was just waitin' for me.

"What's goin' on?" I asked looking around at all of them. I stayed standing up.

"What trouble you done got yo self in that you feel we need to kill this nigga? I thought we was finna pluck off some low scum nigga, but a lawyer? What you done did?" Jackie asked me crossing his arms over his chest. Bein' the eldest brotha sometimes he felt the need to take charge of shit like this. I sucked my teeth and looked around at all of my family staring at me. The look in my mother's eyes just broke my heart and I knew I had to back down.

"Nothin... nothin man forget it. I was just heated... he's been fuckin' with Chivonn that's all." I said quickly backing down and taking a seat next to my mother on the couch. "Let's all chill. I'm coo."

My family let out a sigh of relief. Janet sat on the other side of me she just stared at me. "You should really look into anger management."

"I don't need that shit, I'm fine now. I'm coo, sis... You know how I get when people threaten me and mines... is all." I mumbled looking down at my hands. I flinched as I remembered seeing these hands wrapped around Tatiana's neck. It had been so long since I had thought about that evening. It tormented me for years but after a while it kinda faded out and shit since I met Chivonn I hadn't thought of it once.

"You sure? Why are you so jumpy?" she asked putting her hand on my shoulder. I just shook my head.

"Son talk to us. We're here for you." My mother said reaching over and placing her hand on my knee. I glanced at her pleading eyes out of the corner of mine. Why was she doin' this to me?! My throat tightened as I tried to swallow.

"Michael please! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Don't do this!" She begged as I shoved her forcefully into Tito's apartment.

I squeezed my eyes shut willing the memories away. "Baby..." my mom cooed. A tear escaped my eye and I wiped it away with the back of my hand. Everyone in the room was still. They knew I didn't cry for shit.

"Chivonn found out about Tatiana..." I choked out as another tear fell. "It ain't gonna be the same, mom... she ain't never gonna look at me the same." I leaned on her as she wrapped me up in her arms. All of the shame and guilt I had left bottled away came rushing forward. I let the tears out soaking her night robe. I felt my sister's hand on my back rubbing it lightly and I could feel Jackie and Tito's footsteps coming closer as they stood by for support.

"Just leave her alone... give her time..." My mom cooed lightly rocking me in her arms.

"I don't deserve her... I just wanna come back home, ma..."

"You can come back home. We've got room for you here. Janet just moved into her own place." She said patting me on the back. I could tell by the sound of her voice that she was eager to have me back home. I pulled away from her embrace as wiped my eyes feelin' ashamed of cryin' in front of my siblings.


I sat out in my car lost in thought for a long time before getting up and going inside the house. Bryan was sitting in the living room watching TV looking as if he was waiting for someone to come in.

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